
There are going to be a lot of break-ups at five to.

Never sure if it's a compliment to tell someone they sound like Ira Glass.

Never sure if it's a compliment to tell someone they sound like Ira Glass.

TMI! Tobey Maguie Information!

TMI! Tobey Maguie Information!

Steven Tyler is…Scarfface.

Steven Tyler is…Scarfface.

I've got the friggin' Deadly Bulb, which is an even deeper cut of Tick than the Human Ton.

I've got the friggin' Deadly Bulb, which is an even deeper cut of Tick than the Human Ton.

I guess there's _importance_ to it, eh. Eh?

I guess there's _importance_ to it, eh. Eh?

I know who they'll hire to do a crowd count.

I know who they'll hire to do a crowd count.

Nathan, please tell me how many times this book hit the far wall while you were reading it. The over/under is three times.

Nathan, please tell me how many times this book hit the far wall while you were reading it. The over/under is three times.

I got three hours into reading Jimmy Corrigan, and I didn't even finish the COVER. The insides remain unread.

I got three hours into reading Jimmy Corrigan, and I didn't even finish the COVER. The insides remain unread.

I am from New Jersey and have a love/hate relationship with the "Jersey" brand in TV. And I've never heard anything about this show. So maybe that's why it was cancelled.

I am from New Jersey and have a love/hate relationship with the "Jersey" brand in TV. And I've never heard anything about this show. So maybe that's why it was cancelled.

Is this the end of zombie Shakespeare?