wahst' up, enhtuast?
wahst' up, enhtuast?
for the love of fuck
slcgrda get outf of my threead.
Bozansda isa aGREAT SHOW witha a brialitnt themee song…..if you ahve not heard it, GO TO YROUTUBE and tyeope it in. i guaranate you have heard it
slcgrda get outf of my threead.
EDvigant vicotrian lady:
…lieka nightmaare.
totatal waste of mMY TIME
………cancelss cabal.
WHWNE even equentian trantato cananot' come up with a new idea for a film that HAS NOT EBEN DONE YET….ewe are in the serious shit
ham I the ONLY ONEwhso does'not like rRASING ARZONA>
hthehSTATE wasoine of my faovirtyshows I have ever seen (ANDthens some)
ihahave a good INENVTORY articlwe for you,,no promsie on the tpoic but Ill' give you a hint……..
chucka chucka
whaat have aI been saidying all along, peopel
aanyone else wonder why THE HATERis jealous of thed turner?????
BRfi interviews woudl make a much beterconceprt album, you ehard it heard first.
iwonder fithose that does not loean from hisstory si doomed to repeate it.
hea makes it eaasy to uderstand,,,,evenfoif uyou dontc go to colelge
ggood questions amzcanzy PHilisps,,nevera was a big fan, makes eme wonder, now I will buy her mbook??