
AHather lockear was hot,,wehn iwa s about SVNETEENE.

owow greeat,, basedon the lalgendary book,s, but ti I wonddr fif it he movie witll have ANYTHING to dod with with them….

wHERE is the PHSISH album abvclub?

sosunds liek a tight game to me….looks fun with adveleopers expandadng on the comcept fo gaming itself,,what do you ahve against progress AC CLUB/?

SCribblauts looks hotrrble,,, I dondt know why ananaybodyd was exited for this to egbinw ith. what a gogod idae for a agame…..MAEK WORDS.

doesnst' soundd all theat bad to me……not everyebdoyd can read PCYCHJON AND NANBOKOV..

ATTNS avvclubc::

JAY LWNO made me laugha more han THE HATER evry did.and that is aA FACT

croncob PIPe and a abuton noses,,,whosps, thats sfrosty theosnows man


babrock OSAMA more liek

itodoes look liek shit

ONLy seen one John Wafers film and TI WAS NTO GOOD, ppluyester…yuck, very gross, the wornman farted

tshis place suscks

nwoans I have to pull DOUBEL DOUTY

uh huhh, a free lunch, NICE JOEK avclunb…….maybe I dont believe htis,
I'll try anyway

fif the HATER gets a tvv shwo I will drown smyelf.

nnoioproblems on myc omptuers as faras I can tell,,, "jessica beil feet" worrks fine,,,,maybe ou just havea to be mcore spcific.

NEverr saw the orrigional….how mcuh niduty / is it worth watchign???

FOssel fightters I have been waiting for this game, sso maybe you dont enjuoy it but other peopel do, dont be so closse minded, it looks great, horsefellow out