Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt

Thank you for doing this, Noel. Now that you've seen them all, to which ones would you retroactively give an A+?

I wasn't talking specifically about Bebop, I was talking vaguely about all the new additions. I haven't watched Bebop in years, but I do seem to remember some very high highs.

I know this has been done to death
But I do wish there were ratings on these Classics. Not because I care about the difference between an A and an A-, but because I want to know which episodes you guys consider to be A+. I don't really care about any of the other grades, but I do care about those, rare as they are.

I actually just watched a training video TODAY for a catering job at Jason's Deli. They bring out one of those little airplane DVD players (but smaller) to watch it on. It wasn't really that bad, but maybe I'm desensitized to them. The only annoying parts were the extremely conservative dress codes (I want my fucking

Least favorite episode
"Gone" is worse than "Doublemeat," IMO. Just excruciating to sit through and the constant eye-rolling gave me a headache.

Would there be any reason to grade the individual Wire episodes? Didn't every S5 episode get an A? Would any episode ever score less? I'm not trying to fellate the show any more than it already has been, just saying that entire episodes rarely stick out as being better or worse than others. I can see some episodes

My interpretation of Buffy's heaven is different… I don't think she was filled with the knowledge that her REAL friends were safe and trouble-free, it was just a delusion. Heaven gave her the comfort to not have to worry by filling her with the false notion that there was nothing to worry about (and why not?

That's Horatio Sans?

A+'s give me the tingles
Anyone wanna enlighten me on other ones? I know Curb and Seinfeld have gotten them.

Leave me out of this.