
I find it odd that everyone is so up in arms about his outfit. It's not even the most extreme outfit the period could have produced. If he had fallen asleep in a the Parliamenrt wig they're showing in the previews for November it'd be one thing. He's wearing a long coat, simple trousers and a loose shirt, and boots.

I don't remember learning about it at all. In the 4th grade, we studied New Jersey history and the various tribes and colonies in the state. I learned history in two separate school districts and didn't remember Roanoke at all last night.

I've assumed this show is an alternate universe, not a supernatural exaggeration of our reality. It's all obviously fiction. Even the real events are fictionalized. If they want to make Richard Nixon an alien, I'm okay with it. They have defined this fictional universe well enough that I'll let them do whatever they

This show will never trump BBC's Merlin, who just decided to give completely modern lines to its characters. There were some names of animals or potion ingredients, etc. used, but otherwise the characters used basically no era-appropriate lingo.

I wouldn't necessarily say that. Tina, Artie, and Mercedes were all in the original group and are all still on the show, even if they're not given the most prominent plots. And Finn had more moments of positive value with them than with Santana. The song with Sam could have been replaced with an Artie solo, maybe with

I paid about 70 including service fees for the Doolittle tour at a Bowery venue.

I think you and I should be friends.

This show and New Girl do NOT know how to cast guest stars lately. I've seen people justify terrible endings for guest arcs with "well, they only had Anders/Merritt/etc. for three episodes because of their other show". Then how about you pick a guest star that you can keep around for as long as you want? Pally is a

@avclub-dc1d56f7ab0d955006ca77e45eb665ea:disqus Oh my god, you're on here too?! - Tara


Community is still the apex of that line, though. I CRIED when Troy said he liked butt stuff.

I don't think he's always been a douche, though. To me, he was always the deconstruction of the douche. This guy is vain, has weird beauty products, has a good job compared to the other rommates, all things that produce that kind of Jeremy Piven character. Yet Schmidt doesn't get a lot of girls, clearly tries very

I agree, but what this show should have done is had Cece just call off the wedding NOT for Schmidt, but because her feelings for Shivrang weren't real (an adult, rational decision as is reflective of Cece's usual straight-man ways). And then Schmidt, feeling like he can't just drop Elizabeth, continues to date her

"Like, Schmidt throwing Nick under the bus a week after doing the same to Winston just made me angry."

That explains the scene with the fishtank so damn well. She's wearing red and black!

I laughed way too hard at that considering I'm a registered Independent and still have some Kucinich '08 pins around the house.

I am hysterically crying at work. The second she did this one move last night I was dead and buried. If a dance is funny even without the song playing you know it's golden. Nick Miller's dance last night on New Girl was also INCREDIBLE.

I think the treatment f non-white characters was pretty kay. Masters made a racially-progressive stance, and the black woman involved had lines. Perhaps some of the patients in the future will be black (I doubt you're going to see someone Hispanic on this show, or Asian given the location) or black personnel will be

I read a little about Masters (and perhaps spoiled some elements f the show for me) and he seems like a flaky, callous person. I hope the show makes him a jerk. I think that would be really interesting.

He obviously reacted (so did Virginia) when the hooker said she preferred women, but then kept meeting with her. I don't know if the show will go into that, unless they try to paint him as slowly goinng mad or having the university forcing him to do the projcect. He can't be sympathetic with a homosexual conversion