
I had an Amway recruiter try to rope me in during college. I hadn't heard of Amway and thought it was appealing but backed out the second they told me I had to buy the product first. I also had a cousin's friend approach me about a job opportunity (I'm 22 so I'd go on any interview someone offers me) and it turned out

If you don't want to be quoted, don't say it. I took the genius line as a clear joke, but the rest is rude and the family comment is just disgusting, and not a tone I hope he imbues the next season with. As a woman, Community has given me some very real, full female characters with interesting development and if this

Where is Todd to yell with me about the lack of Alcide Peen? They surround him with a cluster of bushes, then cut away as soon as he faces the front to show Danielle Whose Only Backstory is Nudity So Far's whole damn vageen. After the Gendry copout in Game of Thrones and then this, I'm truly seeing the lack of dong

The best moment of the episode, followed by his supposed-to-be-poignant-but-actually-hilarious mumbled goodbye.

Joffrey, is that you?

I did a long post about this a few episodes back, but I hope that a Lannister will threaten her to make her testify, with the way she's expressed love for Tyrion and Sansa. She's a tough woman and very smart about protecting herself, and I think knows that while she'd kill for characters, she shouldn't have to die for

Because Tyrion's birth killed Joanna. There could have also been a congenital defect.

I side-eyed Zach Braff into oblivion during his campaign, and even the Veronica Mars campaign, but damnit if I wouldn't donate a large chunk of my graduation money for this show. If it means that certain characters are able to be brought on or if it just makes everyone's lives easier at the show, hell yeah I'd donate.

Not necessarily a government spy, but maybe a corporate spy, sent by another company. Or perhaps, in a crackpot theory, Cutler planted him there from the beginning and he's a spy for Cutler. OR his purpose isn't set yet, and Cutler will take advantage of his eagerness to please and turn him into a pawn to help him

I still think Bob is something else, perhaps a spy. Note that he isn't trying to ingratiate himself with the titled partners, but with Joan and Pete, two people with power who he's maybe detected will offer information to him. He would also, as a spy, need to not simply be an employee as he could be fired, but have a

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus I think that Stannis is a widely-speculated choice for the final King, so I pictured him as stronger, and this Stannis isn't giving me much strength. Not mortal in terms of mortality, but mortal in terms of kingly. Stannis is painted by some as Azor Ahai, and I just

I think she's shrewd but not aware of it. She's survived this long. She knew what kind of woman to be to keep Joffrey happy for a while, and then how to deal with him  after Margaery came around. Maybe shrewd isn't the perfect word, but something's to be said about the fact that everyone who trained her in the

YES. I think Dillane has a great look for the character, but comes off as a little weak next to Carice van Houten, who is really mesmerizing as Mel. She's the one you focus on in a given scene, even when silent. She is just otherwordly, and Stephen Dillane appears far too mortal. I was hoping for Christopher Eccleston

Ramsay Bolton can go eat a dick.

I agree with @avclub-84a9f64106792dd9b7e5ba4d631ac12e:disqus about this. The show encounters very casual fans who haven't read the books and will therefore never even read a Sansa perspective chapter, and who don't realize that the character is much younger than her visual TV adaptation. People are quick to write her

I enjoyed it. I don't feel that the couple should be a couple given some of Tyrion's behaviors and the fact that I would have loved Sansa with Willas, but I do think they are a good platonic match. Sansa is young but a shrewd player in the game, as is Tyrion.

Everyone seems to think that Stoneheart will show up quite soon, but I don't know why. In the books, the reveal is so potent because you heard NOTHINGa bout Cat again until that very end of the book. I know that for the purposes of Barristan and Reek, showing the actor would immediately ruin the reveal. But with

Season 4 will include a lot: the Purple Wedding (CAN NOT WAIT), the Martells (Oded Fehr for Oberyn please), the battle at Castle Black, Stoneheart, Jamie and Cersei scenes, Arya, Sansa's escape, Tyrion and Tywin having some scenes, more Varys. I think I'm actually more excited for next season than I was for this one.

Literally my interest in this film went from 0 to 1. I still love that Wedding Crashers, dammit.

I think she had a good role in Bridesmaids? She can definitely do comedy.