
Now that would be a great movie, and one that could really call the internship scam to attention. Because this internship industry is completely a scam, and it's about time someone cast a light on it. I could see Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart collaborating on a project like what you described and have it be

So I know a lot of us think that the series will end with Don's suicide, given the opening sequence and general fan theory since day one. But does anyone think that he's really not there yet? At this point his life is crumbling but he's also being given small, new happinesses: getting to know his son a bit more, still

Could the yellow dress of the woman who walks past Pete be an indicator of his switch to the cutler-Chaough side of things? His job hunt with Duck and crumbling marriage may lead him to change careers, or at least affiliates..

@avclub-d4ff3c518d33328bfadc34f25b054267:disqus I agree with what you said about the Avon guy not wondering where the men are, but that fits. Avon has empowered women for decades by letting them establish their own small business. I like that they picked that brand, and that the characterization of the representative

Rumor has it an extra confirmed so!


I'm not saying Don is right at ALL, and nothing in my post said that. It's a theory, that perhaps something else allowed for this kind of lapse. (If I had kids at home alone, I'd check to make sure the doors were locked, windows locked, stove off, etc.) They are both allowed to pursue their careers, and those

So does this episode make Megan look like a bad parent or not? Tumblr is saying that Megan is actually cheating on Don, which would possibly cause a distracted quality re: her other responsibilities. One might also argue that her job is distracting her from her home life.

"Unique" is a word that is supposed to exist sans modifier. You're unique or you're not. There are not grammatical levels of uniqueness. It's just a special word that is supposed to be strong in its black or white "is or not" presence.

Sir or madam, we're all holding out for Oded as Oberyn Martell. Because that will be amazing.

I haven't seen one mention here yet of Davos' Hooked on Phonics moment. That is literally too much character development for me to handle. I got very misty in my eye areas for a brief moment when he was trying to read and until now I was NOT in fact reminded of Mr. Kokoschka from Hey Arnold! learning to read. Because

Finn Jones (Loras) said in an interview something like "and now he's married to her". Not GETTING married but married. Do we think that they're going to actually get married? Because something happening at that wedding could certainly close out the season..

I think that the show has done notable alluding to Shae's understanding of social climbing as a means of protection. As a prostitute in Westeros, she has only her street smarts and looks to really find financial security for herself. Now that she's found Tyrion, who has given her money, jewelry, and a job that leaves

You're right. Gleeson sold the hell out of his speech to Sansa but the character still emits a sort of asexual vibe. Maybe Future!Joff wouldn't have been able to get it up and therefore committed violent acts, forced people to do things in front of him, debase people, etc.


I made no such implication. I don't know the actors personally. And I didn't say I did. And it's either hilarious or I'm a cunt, which is a slur in fact. Pick. What a thing to jump on someone for, the simple abbreviation of a name. That post also generated a notable number of likes and replies, none of which seemed to

I don't think you know what the word "cynical" means. Dropping criticisms and nitpicks to celebrate the finale of a long-running show is the exact opposite of cynicism. It's a suspension of disbelief. It's idealizing and romanticizing an important piece of entertainment for a night. Lending oneself to embrace the

Wow. Yes, in a forum about a specific television show where every single reader would reasonably know who I'm talking about by using their first name, I sound like a cunt for abbreviating their names. I think I'd sound more like a cunt by being stiff and informal addressing Zooey as Zooey Deschanel in a forum about

I'm bummed out by the cynicism in some of the comments here. Was this episode perfect? No. Was it the funniest hour of television, or of the show? No, not at ALL. But was it satisfying? For this fan, yes. Lots of stories were wrapped up in ways that weren't necessarily practical, but were fitting for the character.

Thank you! I didn't see Pam as irrational or grating, but I totally understand that her legitimate concerns weren't presented to the audience all that well.They didn't even mention the kids in the moving process, and a small mention of "How am I going to tell my daughter she has to leave her friends and school?" would