
When Helena killed her, hadn't she met each of them only once? My memory's fuzzy on that.

Amelia had never met any of them so that wasn't hard.

He knew Paul though. Something about his partners selling tech to the military. And since Coady wants to weaponize the Castor illness, I think that might come back next season.

I was going to ask if this was the case last night but Disqus was acting up on my phone.

Sarah as Cosima sneaking into Dyad.

I would take that over the American foster care system or possibly being murdered to tie up loose ends. Like the girlfriend of the spy from season 1.

So much for filial piety. I knew Paige would screw it up one day. She only ever thinks of herself. After witnessing what her mother and grandmother gave up, you'd hope that she'd maybe try to respect that they did so for what they believed to be the right reasons. She could have at least spoken to her parents before

Sad pitbull. I wanted to find some ice cream and just give it to him. I haven't read the comics so do they ever mention what decade all the Skye/Daisy mess went down? Based on the looks her parents exchanged, I don't think she was really born in the 80s.

He stacked both donuts on top of his one coffee and then handed a donut to Ted, who ate it.

She got him two donuts.

Oooh! He does have mixed feelings toward Sandra. And Elizabeth did put Philip out in the first season. Stan visited him at the motel.

"Brush that dirt off your shoulder" and the only example I can think of is the Jay-Z song. He didn't come up with it though, I don't think.

The nod was amazing. I watched that scene several times. I can't stand Paige though. Had to rescind my upvote.

He was definitely abusing them all but Danny took/got the brunt of it.

I think you're right. I don't think John hated Danny but he was able to power through the idea of a hitman taking him out. And I just don't see Danny doing that with any of his siblings. Even though he had Kevin beat up.

He said "You made the call" or something like that.

Was coming to say that. Danny sent Eric to do it. As payback for lying as a kid. That's why he agreed with Meg that the attack was personal.

You're not alone with that memory though.

I think you're right about Zinaida. Tough as nails, that one.

I doubt most of Empire's viewers have read it or seen the movie depictions. I surely haven't. But Danny Strong has actually name checked King Lear as did the show so that's what is sticking in people's minds.