
If I hadn't watched the episodes I did tonight, I would be very pissed. You should delete that. It's a major spoiler.

He's not Westmoreland because he was speaking to Delphine about what Westmoreland thought. The "messenger" said "he's not happy about any of this" and told Delphine it was Westmoreland's altruism that saved her.

Head N^#%*+ In Charge.


That's an excellent theory. She doesn't normally kill without purpose. She just fought Gaad and Adderholt for example.

I checked IMDb and he didn't appear until the engagement party when the groomsmen introduced themselves. He never said how he was connected actually.

I think (I hope) that will be explained. Since we know Krystal wouldn't just go quietly.

Amen. I was like wow, Krystal! Had to remind myself that that is Tatiana's body.

I think Delphine realized "Rachel" was Krystal and so she let her go. We didn't see it but Krystal told Donnie it was a French, blonde doctor, and she recognized Delphine's surname so they had to have spoken. I remember Delphine had assigned her a new monitor after getting her nails done and later got kicked in the

Homeowner'a insurance or rental insurance, not health. People sometimes set property on fire to collect the insurance money.

Without question.

Was it this? Buffy: Giles, look, I've got makeup tests to pass, missing people in Sunset Ridge, and a zesty new Slayer to feed. Next time I kill Angel, I'll video it.

When Angel got his soul back is still the saddest thing I've ever seen on tv.

His wife was still alive. Had she been deceased? Who knows?

Meeee too! I was thinking how everyone had appeared except Sarah.

You're not alone. He did seem like he was trying to tell her something and wanted her to stay quiet. But, you also don't grab someone by the ankles in someone else's apartment if you just want to talk. Worse how she's a rape survivor. He could have just called.

We're lucky they didn't use thou and thee so I'm willing to overlook it.

This show acts like Bonnie hatched from an egg purely to serve the vampires. What they did in the short arc with her father was worse than what they did with her mother.

"The Crapenters" - Jay

I love and hate Stan. Nice to see him do comedy.