Hugo the Janitor

Money don't follow sweat / Money don't follow brains

Jessica Hopper is a cretin. The hit job she pulled on Stephin Merritt was unthinkable.

No list that includes Heal and doesn't include Benji can be taken seriously.

Sonia also seems to have missed that there were characters — white and black — who didn't want it reported as a hate crime (now, whether that was due to their beliefs or simple convenience, I don't know).

Zooming the sit-down interviews was distracting, to say the very least.

I detest the use of the word "retarded," but love to see a user of it misspell it. Perfect.

No scene, at least in this season, has ever looked "washed out."

Kallie's mom mentioned that it was a different hotel. Something like, "Why can't we stay at your MOM's hotel?"

The two-hour opener of S6 was wretched. I hope they keep the S7 opener to one hour.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I believe the incident we heard about was different from the one shown on the prior episode, since Sally wasn't yet a student then.

"the teacher remarked how interesting those jobs were and how hard their dads must work and how they should also work hard to make their dads proud."

"Codeine" from Here We Rest.

Um… you know that kid's mother is dead, right?