Lev Bronstein

Not sad at all. The early 90's were great. For instance, one could find gainful employment…

I was upset that Annie Hall won as well. Of course, I was 7 years old…

Agreed, and people are afraid of Al-Qaeda? Try a nuclear armed superpower…

Pretty sure it's available on youtube or google video if you're up for a rewatch.

If those are your last words here on earth, you tell the Lord you went out stupid.

Tales of the Gold Monkey was excellent! Especially Roddy McDowall as the bon vivant with a mysterious past…

For the love of God everyone drop what you're doing and watch Special Bulletin! It was like a 1980's "War of the Worlds". I think it's on youtube or google video. Saw it as a kid in 1983 and never forgot it. Much better than The Day After.

Whoops….I had assumed you were a dude, probably because there are about as many women on these boards as there are Garth Brooks fans.

@ Lux Lisbon, they let you watch Rome in high School? Obviously you didn't grow up int he south…..

@ Chilly Willy, hey at least it gets you out in the open air.

The roads?

I'd certainly bang Karla Ha Ha… Repressed self-hating homosexuals are great in the sack.

Agreed for the msot part MFSP, but very few blacks are Southern Baptist. The SBC formed as a result of an argument over slavery, where the southern branches of the Baptist Church supported it (of course) and separated from the rest. Most Black people i knew in Tennessee attended churches with crazy names like

Comedy should be a means of attacking the powerful and privileged and undermining authority, without resorting to nasty things like guillotines and gulags and what not. Attacking the marginalised is simply cowardly and usually not very funny, which is why you see very few funny conservatives.

Thank God, I was dreading the hipster Doors-bashing the moment I saw this news item. Good to see they still have plenty of fans. Were they pretentious, yes. And who gives a shit?

Yeah Manzarek is a little sad, but must be tough to peak in your early 30's, then have a 4o year postscript.

@ Flasheart, thanks for the info BTW, gonna check it out.

Shit I'll be the first in line. I've gotten spoiled by blu-ray to the extent that I no longer download solely b/c of the poor video quality. I've gone back to actually paying for things, just a tool of multi-media conglomserates I suppose.

They ocasionally put them in Hustler magazine in the 70's. I'm ashamed that I know that.

The Mighty Laserdisc
Still have great affection for these. Have many Criterion titles, including Taxi Driver w/ Scorsese commentary, not available any where else as far as I know. The only problem was the incredibly disruptive and annoying change from side one to side two, during which people I was trying to sell on