subpar US adaptation of a witt

"Are you his attorney"?
(Perks up) "well, not officially"

like link to the past, there are chicken mascots roaming the park and if you hit them, out of nowhere hundreds of chicken mascots appear to attack you

I was thinking of the Dornish kingsguard with the large axe

I'm just jazzed we have a black charchter whose not a pirate, slave or that shady linebacker looking dude from Q'arth, also despite the bleak nature of the ending, any episode featuring the sassy Martell grandma cant be that bad

I think Comedian Rory Scovel said it best when he said on the You Made it Weird Podcast that he hoped heaven looked like "Fantastic Mr.Fox", So thats my go to for what I hope heaven is like, well that or the Katy Perry halftime show

This Weeks CBB,Who Charted, last Fridays WTF and the Parks finale were like Omar and Mike when they're dog died, sad epps

So can we talk about how both Andre and his wife, both college educated adults, had never heard of Stephen Hawking and how hilarious it was in the first place, that there was a reference to " The Theory of Everything"

So no one is going to mention last weeks Comedy Bing Bong with the Guy from Fun and Bleachers. He seemed like a nice enough fellow but Jesus Christ he sounded like a walking Millennial stereotype. Was he created in the lab by angry middle aged white guys. Being in a band with a number 1 single and living at home when

Diarrhea of a Mad Black Woman #PoopBlackHistory #@midnight #PointsME #Don'tYouHateThatThisIsPopCultureNOw

Oh Matt Mira, you mean the Allen Covert of the podcast world

Yeah but Jonah Ray is the diametric opposite of Hardwick, and where Hardwick is overbearing and overy enthusiastic, Ray can be detached and seem above it all, Plus I hate anytime he ever starts talking about music, I don't care what anyone listens to, but anyone with any sort of snobishness towards music I can't handle

Today IS Presidents day, A giant Pharoah/Obama, Ferrell/Bush, Hammond/Clinton, Carvey/Bush SR, Akroyd/Carter would've been fun, hell Carrey was there and he could've played Reagan, he did so for charity on a funny or die skit a few years back

He actually hosted 3 times.I find it very strange that he would choose to lie for humor, he usually is very honest for example, his name is Martin Short and he is a man of below average stature

Well he is'nt dead yet, I think too much of a tribute would be a bit moorish. I think there's still a fair chance, he'll make a complete recovery


So you're saying if he was a water pitcher, he'd be a britta

I liked Eddie's apperance, seemed genuine and it reminded me of those old hollywood reunions/Krusty the Clown reunited with Sideshow Bob. Just for some context, Johnny Carson appeared on David Letterman and did'nt do shit but wave and got a 10 minute Standing O, granted Carson never made Norbit but its a apt comparison

probably MEDIUM PISSED!!

try the SNL 40 app, I don't think they have full eps or seasons but they seemingly are the most exhaustive collection of skits, you can search by actor, character, what not