subpar US adaptation of a witt

I'll never get queens who do played out characters. Like Milk's Julia Child, or the several bad Diane Ross's or Cher's. If you're gonna do an old standard impression, you better destroy it like Chad Michael Murray

People don't like her because shes not charismatic and she gets do down on herself and for much of the competition she seems downtrodden but now that we know whats going on with her, people will warm up to her

I'm sad that Gia left without being properly called out on all the shit she talked, She was deserving of a Alyssa Edwards "BITCH SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP BITCH"

I would like to remind everyone, remember Laganja is also a middle class,white girl, who co-opts Black slang, instead of having an actual personality.

God, I hate Gia Gunn, if you're come for everyone you better be funny or witty or be flawless like Raja, Gia Gunn is neither.

I can understand not having expierence at acting, but Vivacious's acting was like she had never seen acting before

Yeah exactly, I hate the whole "White People Problems" because its just overused and lazy. It completely disregards class, which is very real. If you think about it, real, non stereotype Working class/Poor White people, are just as underrepresented as minorities. And minorties lives are inherently drama filled,we're

They both have a weird narrow taste of pop culture and their both very smart . So they'll slam something in a articulate way and you think "Their right"! But sometimes their argument is "I don't like that thing". And of course they don't, their really into 70s garage rock or talky dramas from the 80s

How was my Week, This was the week I finally gave up on Julie Klausner and How was your Week, I like Julie, but she's the female, much smarter version of Adam Corolla, Very funny but also way too angry. What made me stop listening was her monologue from the Karen-Oscars, she said she was tired of "Angry, white

What, with his powerful, powerful legs he'd be a great asset

"Get as stupid as the rest of the fucking country" and I wonder why so many people dislike new yorkers? New York, I love you but things do exist outside of NY and it takes alot of nerve for people who pay 2000 for a 700ft square apartment, to call other people stupid

Not so much bad, but I feel like he was exactly in the middle of Great Hosts and Bad Hosts. Like Dennis Miller, Tina Fey, Norm Mcdonald are on one side, Charles Rocket, Collin Quinn and Nealon are on the other side and he's exactly in the middle. He was great with Amy Poehler but to me he did a serviceable but not too

You can be nice and funny but rare sentimental moments for a comedy show need to be earned, Seth Meyers on his last Update or John Oliver leaving the daily show,get to be emotional because they been on forever and they earned. No one knows even knows who this dude is. More importantly it shows bad comic instincts,

Can a Brother just get a minority ancillary character. Even Dunham said having no minorities in season one "was a mistake" I don't understand why her fans can at least admit it maybe, probably could have a few minorities. Shiiit, no one's calling her a racist or anything.

Here's the thing, Girls is a pretty good show with an intersting prespective and strong central charachter. The problem is that it was labeled by the media that its speaking for an entire generation, I feel the show itself thinks its not just a show, but its say something about the age group it represents. Thats why

Yeah but a man can easily do Bamford like material and still be wildly popular, Just look at Maron, Patton, Gallifinakisis. Louis CK

I think Jost will get better but he's ruined to me forever. That overly genuine speech he gave during his first update infuriated me. Make a joke motherfucker.Do what Bill Murray did and make fun of yourself. Also it seemed to me like he was thinking that his hosting update was definitely going to lead to his own

I think Dunham and Kaling are somewhat attractive, whereas female comedians who are lets say "Unconventional Looking" struggle. Rachel Dratch for example

I think the universal description of Broad City by the fans of Broad City is "Its like Girls but if Girls was actually funny"

I think enthusiasm goes a long way, and Dunham had it in spades. SNL is still somewhat risky for actors because they're often in front of a audience that's not familiar with their work and they have the potential to be very embarrassed. Even if you think the sketches weren't funny, you have to admire a actor whose