subpar US adaptation of a witt

Meh, its an interesting idea that the Best Picture winner says something deeper about America, however many of the most important movies to the American, Pop Culture psyche dont win (Goodfellas, Do the Right Thing, 2001, Rebel Without A Cause. The oscar winner is like the Heisman Trophy award in college football, Its

Bro, relax. No one is calling you racist and I feel like you and I watched 2 completely different movies because 12 years a Slave is the exact opposite of the film your describing. The film does have a perspective and thats that "Slavery for most of the South was a economical issue, not a moral issue. Not all the

Yeah, So Magnolia, She has to be one of the worst queens ever. Her whole "Im just trying to get publicity" angle, just seemed to cover up the fact that she was lazy and awful, I mean she wasn't even this interesting car wreck of a contestant, she was just boring, then a bitch to the judges.

That comment sounded like the face of God being splashed in the face by dirty water from the gutter of New York City

I'm all for Mixed Race families but Fuck You Cheerios for naming the little girl "Grace". I'll never accept Twee, Bougie names for kids. Sure her name might be grace but these days its more likely to be gracie

Diabetes wins

Big ups to Cheerios, for not backing down to hordes of racist commentators and actually doubling down on their Mixed family ads. This commercial was a black dad and white mom ( a bigger taboo to idiots) and shown during the fucking super bowl, the last ad was not a super bowl ad. Also, I like the idea of commercial

Yeah, weren't they trying to get people to start calling it "The Shack", a few years ago?

Yeah but its not just one bowl of punch, its dozens of bowels of punch. Some punch is the worst you've ever had but One or Two, genuinely make you love the concept of punch

Well because before the Internet and Cable, America had many shared cultural experiences, Like the tonight show or Ed Sullivan. The Super Bowl is the last truly shared cultural experience, So it does feel like America is all gathering around the Television. When you're and advertiser or TV Network trying to appeal to

I loved the RadioShack ad but I was confused by what this means for the company. The new improved, hipper Radioshack is a cross between an At&T and a smaller version of Best Buy? The store was furnished in that ubiquitous style of all white minimalist furniture and they were selling beats headphones. I thought the

Not to get political, But the idea that saying "Hey its ok, maybe even a good thing that some people in America aren't white and don't speak English" is a somewhat liberal belief, shows just how far right Reagan and the Bush Dynasty took America, and How Center Left politicians like Clinton and Obama have failed to

If you truly think the Dark Knight Rises was childish, I honestly feel bad for you, how do you watch 99% of american pop culture

I used to be a huge PTI fan until I heard Wilbons opinion on the NFL changing Football to reduce concussions. It basically boiled down to IF they want a safe game they can put on a dress. a weird take from someone as smart as Wilbon

In Soviet Russia show Hoots and Hollers at Audience

To me he'll always be the weird kid who had electrical powers from that episode of the X-files, also Jack Black was his stoner best friend in the episode

Im no fan of the Big Bang Theory but Its far from the worst, and if it gives Blossom work, I cant complain

That doesn't countm its awesome but its more 15 minutes of hilarious insanity than a talk show

Why does the AV Club apparently have a blood feud with Jeff Garlin? I mean first you list Dealin' with Idiots as the SECOND worst movie of the year. And now the Goldbergs as the worst pilot. Garlin went to jail this year for breaking a woman's car window, does that woman work for the AV Club. Is she the owners

Worst Chris Farley Replacement: Kevin James