subpar US adaptation of a witt

Well Pam did leave her husband for Jim, that's got to count for something and hey she made him that comic book

Money was never Pam's main concern with Jim working at Athlead/leap. They had already invested in it and she even said in the episode before they go to therapy, that Athlead was probably going to be huge. Her biggest concern was that she liked their life in Scranton, she got to work across from her husband and dick

Black Bachelorette parties?

*insert obligatory comment that the show actually ended when Kevin stopped playing with his Sting cover band

In Threat Level Midnight, Michael tells Holly that without his movie, he has nothing and by the end of the episode that now that he has Holly and a family, that he does have something and he no longer needs to cling to this notion of entertaining people. He's abandoned his old Michael Scott and has matured

Am I the only one saddened by the lack of Gabe in the episode? I mean it would have been nice to see what weirdo is up to

Here's How I've been thinking of @avclub-bc98021b16ce113cecd539e1555c6125:disqus comment this week,

Pam said in Goodbye Michael, that he was planning on starting a family.

"And from Me, Prison Mike, to you, I want to thank you for letting me be apart of your life today"- the sincerity in which Michael delivers this line. Andy's "This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I haven't had a very hard life",

Its so amazing to me,that this finale was from the same show that produced those god awful end of season 7 episodes.I mean there's such a world of difference between the way Will Ferrell's live action Poochie is just awkwardly forced into the series and then as equally awkwardly written out and Michael

So Nellie is now sitting in a European Prison somewhere, because you just can't take a baby to another country with zero documentation right? I don't think telling customs that your former coworker handed you a baby is a good enough excuse.

Its a lot less focused and prepared than his last album but I think its just as funny

I would agree with everything but cliquey, he seems really nice to unknown up and coming comedians

The difference between Holmes and Cook, is that Holmes Goofy, "Fun Dad" persona masks the fact that is jokes at their core can be dark and existential. His bit about he legitimately thinks the world might end and all he can think of doing is masturbate and drink scotch.In a way he's like a doug stanhope, if

I really don't get the whole "Schmidt and Winston are dicks for sabotaging a  wedding" complaint. I mean this is a show that had Jess perform a atrocious Elvis impersonation at a man's Funeral, Also,We all knew Cece was going to leave Shrivang at the altar and that Nick and Jess were going to end up together. And I

That Smash Cut to Don and Ted in the plane was pretty "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" Only question is, is Don, John Candy or Steve Martin?

She is a great sketch performer but she just relies way too much on these awful characters. Her "red flag" perfume parody ad, Taylor swift, Judy Grimes and her as cinderella in the "real Princesses" are all examples of how great she can be.

This was definitely worse, it seems so audacious and lazy to fill 80% of the episode with characters that weren't funny in the first place.

Yeah, people forget that the pop culture juggernaunt that is the "Real Housewives" series began as Bravo trying to copy the success of the then huge "Desperate Housewives". The O.C was huge then too, So when "The Real Housewives of Orange County" came out it seemed like an SNL level type of shameless tv executive

Oh hell to the naw to Mckinnion, If she would takeover as anchor, she could no longer do characters on Update. and she kills it as a guest on update,A small part of me watches SNL just for the very rare possibility, that for some reason, she brings back her Ann Romney