subpar US adaptation of a witt

I want to design, market test, and sell a line of "My Pally" dolls to children. They will be scruffy, tossed hair dolls ( that resemble the old 80s WWF slammer dolls) that kids will take with them to places like Bars, Brunch, Bratwurst restaraunts, food trucks, alternative comedy shows, beer gardens

Thank you Jake Fogelnest for your tireless commitment to be the worse, in all forms of media.

Thank you Jake Fogelnest for your tireless commitment to be the worse, in all forms of media.

Except for Heatlhcare, Deciding supreme court justices who will sit on the bench for decades, Potential war with Iran, Climate Change legislation, Tax code and social security, you're right, completely inconsequential election.

Except for Heatlhcare, Deciding supreme court justices who will sit on the bench for decades, Potential war with Iran, Climate Change legislation, Tax code and social security, you're right, completely inconsequential election.

The first time I have ever said it, the book was much better

The first time I have ever said it, the book was much better

And F you, Eric Warheim, Jam is by far the worst thing Chris Morris has ever done.

And F you, Eric Warheim, Jam is by far the worst thing Chris Morris has ever done.

"I  can't break this pretentious facade of me being completely detached and above everything, Even when a pop culture blog  asks me to pick a few things I like for a year in review. Oh I  Better have a good sarcastic selection ready. Oh why is being terrible so hard to maintain" !!!

"I  can't break this pretentious facade of me being completely detached and above everything, Even when a pop culture blog  asks me to pick a few things I like for a year in review. Oh I  Better have a good sarcastic selection ready. Oh why is being terrible so hard to maintain" !!!

The whole pharmacy sequence was amazing.  Steve's "If I'm reading this wrong, and that only usually happens when I'm reading a menu at a Vietnamese restaurant." (Steve and Snot high five). Steve's drawing on the receipt with the words "I fell for you" and Barry's "I got to make some changes"

The whole pharmacy sequence was amazing.  Steve's "If I'm reading this wrong, and that only usually happens when I'm reading a menu at a Vietnamese restaurant." (Steve and Snot high five). Steve's drawing on the receipt with the words "I fell for you" and Barry's "I got to make some changes"

You sir couldn't possibly be more wrong, Check out her Ann Romney (Bay-once) or Her dress rehearsal Thanksgiving sketch to see just how wrong you are.

You sir couldn't possibly be more wrong, Check out her Ann Romney (Bay-once) or Her dress rehearsal Thanksgiving sketch to see just how wrong you are.

Thanks alot Chris Tucker, you're Christianity based weirdness, caused you to turn down Dhjango Unchained and thus allowing Foxx to host SNL. I think we all would've enjoyed Tucker's SNL far more. Probably would have had a Weekend update segment with Smokey talking about marijuana legalization.

Thanks alot Chris Tucker, you're Christianity based weirdness, caused you to turn down Dhjango Unchained and thus allowing Foxx to host SNL. I think we all would've enjoyed Tucker's SNL far more. Probably would have had a Weekend update segment with Smokey talking about marijuana legalization.

The Bugle
Sklarbro Country

The Bugle
Sklarbro Country

But even Though they are the weakest bits, they're still not flat out terrible, which is a testament to how good the show is.