subpar US adaptation of a witt

HOLY SHIT, I Thought Rabin was kidding when he added that part about "New World Order" but she actually says it!!! Wow,just wow.

HOLY SHIT, I Thought Rabin was kidding when he added that part about "New World Order" but she actually says it!!! Wow,just wow.



Ha! I forget about Life, it's defintetly not as good as murphys 80s films but its still very good. Its sad that in this post tyler perry world, hollywood as abandoned "urban (god i hate the term) comedies like life.

Ha! I forget about Life, it's defintetly not as good as murphys 80s films but its still very good. Its sad that in this post tyler perry world, hollywood as abandoned "urban (god i hate the term) comedies like life.

To your first point, I think the weirdness and fringe nature of podcasts are apart of its appeal, Stuff that would never work anywhere else can work as a podcast. I don't think broadness equals success, comedy bang bang is not welcoming to new listeners and thier one of the top podcasts, I think its more about the

To your first point, I think the weirdness and fringe nature of podcasts are apart of its appeal, Stuff that would never work anywhere else can work as a podcast. I don't think broadness equals success, comedy bang bang is not welcoming to new listeners and thier one of the top podcasts, I think its more about the

Its funny,seemingly every working comedian has their own podcast and the majority of them are comedians talking to comedians about comedy. You would think this genre would be completely tapped out by know. But every few months a new podcast appears that adds something new or fresh to the genre. For example both the

Its funny,seemingly every working comedian has their own podcast and the majority of them are comedians talking to comedians about comedy. You would think this genre would be completely tapped out by know. But every few months a new podcast appears that adds something new or fresh to the genre. For example both the

I instantly regeret that comment. Who am I to mock the personal, romantic troubles of a enthusiastic young man, who goes out and gives it his bestest. Hey Chris, I'm sorry It's not your fault, I'll see myself out.

I instantly regeret that comment. Who am I to mock the personal, romantic troubles of a enthusiastic young man, who goes out and gives it his bestest. Hey Chris, I'm sorry It's not your fault, I'll see myself out.

Oh Great A.V club, has'nt this site's mean commentors  make Chris Hardwick cry enough. Now he's going to read this late at night,while crying into a burrito.

Oh Great A.V club, has'nt this site's mean commentors  make Chris Hardwick cry enough. Now he's going to read this late at night,while crying into a burrito.

Finally The Tolerability Index gives me a place to go off on my Joan Rivers rant. Almost everyone who sees that Documentary about Rivers, "A Piece of Work" Loves Joan but man, did it make me hate Joan even more. The whole premise is, "were supposed to feel bad for her becuase she's not booking gigs. Seriously she's

Finally The Tolerability Index gives me a place to go off on my Joan Rivers rant. Almost everyone who sees that Documentary about Rivers, "A Piece of Work" Loves Joan but man, did it make me hate Joan even more. The whole premise is, "were supposed to feel bad for her becuase she's not booking gigs. Seriously she's

u know.. other people have twitter

u know.. other people have twitter

He also was quoted as saying "women be shopping"

He also was quoted as saying "women be shopping"