subpar US adaptation of a witt

@avclub-07f3c2a5d4b1fcf824eb2d5554d8dce4:disqus I am a kevin smith apologist and I really tried but God damn if that show is not the Least unnecessary show in the history of television. The line that killed if for me was "let me get my guy whose a expert on Godzilla merch"

I think it was due to their young age and the fact that they got became so popular in such a short amount of time, without any major label backing In hindsight it appears their newness and novelty were the main draw and not the music.

My favorite Russ moment has to be when he yells "I'M TRYING TO HAVE A EMOTIONAL CONVERSATION WITH YOU"!!

I would love to see a book written about Mad TV the same way as that "Live from Saturday NIght" book about SNL was written, where cast and crew give their memories, It seems everybody just fucking hated it there.

This man has ESPN tatted on his neck and is a millionaire many times over, Suck it Doctors

yeah but part of the inherent charm of the UK office was it was great show made by a older guy who was talented and smart and was due. A rare example of substance over style. But now that smart and talented guy has become the biggest asshole in the world, pretentious and shoving his assigning religious belies down

he did punch Bill Murray in the face and he's the best person in the world so by comic book logic, yes, he is the worst person in the world

I'm pretty sure you can stream hulu thru a tv and if not you will be able to soon, they recently added xbox and are probaly working on tv

Leave dotcom alone, he has enough problems trying to get Tracy to acknowledge he exsists & how can you hate Pete Campell? Have you seen him jitterbug?

Yeah but 1 or 2 more series of the Office, even at 75%-50% of the quality would be worth it, if it prevented "life's too short" from happening. Also Gervais has become such an insufferable prick it makes everything he's done retroactively terrible

Did somebody say perfect game, No? Did somebody say Office Defender? I''m an office apologist ( well anything besides this season, I have my limits). In my opinion anything before season 6 is pretty much untouchable. Because season 5 had The Michael Scott Paper company and that was one of the greatest plots in the


I'd even go for Dean to join that terrible Whitney, they change the name to Whit-dean of course

I agree Ashley Schaeffer and his cannon completely derailed the episode and was not even borderline but flat out racist,  all of which was wildly disappointing considering how funny  Schaeffer was in the first season but give Ferrell some credit. At least this guest appearance was streets ahead of his catastrophic

thank your dealer, that's some good shit you got

So Glen, T-dog, the old man whose not Herschel, jamie lee curtis, Herschel, their all at the fireworks factory?

yeah was that supposed to be an ice age reference, seems too bad a movie to reference

The joke is that the line is coming from a stereotypical, manly Texan

No mention of this show being 2 hours. I can't ironically watch something for 2 hours

I liked Bullshit in the beginning but as the show went on and ran out of good topics it got bad. I remember one episode where they were saying eating fast food every day is'nt bad for you/