subpar US adaptation of a witt

how old is Nick Swardson, I remember him being in Barq's root beer commercials in the mid 90's, Yet he still has the mind and comic mindset of a particularly dumb 7th grader, everything is cheap scatological humor with him

Yeah so much of the stuff he does like on twitter, in the Puddin comic strips is so dark but I found him to be pretty upbeat, I hope he incorporates that into his act more.

So correct me if I'm wrong but was'nt the Au Pair still in high school? They mentioned how her friend was on 16 and pregnant and that she needed an Au Pair and she lives with Ruxin?? Weird contiunity issues in an otherwise good ep


Bring in the girls….

Yet, Big Boi still remains unpunished for the felony that was "Whose you're Caddy"

And really, you're going to review Rookie of The Year and not mention Gary Busey?

He's my son!!!! HE"S MY CLIENT!!!!

Radiohead alright whatever, and I know these lists are pointless but Arcade Fire's Lies as number 2. Better than Wake Up by Arcade Fire, Come On. Why that song isn't used in those pretentious Levi's ads. I 'll never know

hot dog thrown, Albert Brooks slices someones wrist. "its over, no more pain"
Ron Pearlman laughs hysterically

I hate mondays

I expected a rise in satin jackets and speeding tickets, not hot dog throwing.

"You give me a time and a place and I will throw a hot dog at you,I give you a one hot dog window,  Anything happens while I'm throwing that Hot dog, I'm yours no matter what. I won't wait to help you clean up, I don't carry a bun.. I throw hot dogs"

you mean like that poster of a cat that says "hang in there baby"


This is a perfect example of how we are love with the unknown and that, that seems mysterious. Odd Future seemed amazing when they were this completely unknown entity,  This group that seemingly came out of nowhere and were shocking, Smash cut to now, where we get a good look at them in the light of day, see Tyler the

If I wanted to see a bunch of black teenagers cursing, i would go down to a showing of Real Steel at a local Magic Johnson theater

God Damn it hollywood, hurry up and green light a movie version of Frank Miller's dark knight before Clint Eastwood dies

Hey Nick, you're show is not fucking Mr. Show, quit trying cutaways that connect each sketch. It worked with Mr. Show because the cutaways were clever and funny not just a picture on the wall of the next sketch.

I like how they cancelled the fun,scrappy shows Rotten Tomatoes, Infomania and Supernews because of budget cuts but they some have the money to pay Olberman his huge salary and fund his show. I guarntee most of the money is going to pay Olberman and not to the less than impressive set. Also I bet thru some better