subpar US adaptation of a witt

Meh, he's an old man who is angry because he has a debilitating disease took his ability to speak, which he was clearly good at doing. He made his living by talking and built his whole life around him talking and now he can't do that.,so he uses twitter to express himself I think he earned the right to spout off

Michaengelo probably has my favorite twitter account ever. I think @DannyGlover said it best when he so elegantly tweeted "I'm getting to old for this drunk driving shit".

this all could have been avoided if ebert
Just tweeted instead Two thumbs down to drunk driving. but seriously fuck Ryan Dunn that guy is responsible for the death of his passenger. He had no business going that fast. Its the truth. It doesn't matter if Ebert says is 5 minutes after he dies. Magera should just mourn

God Damn it Cookie Monster you just opened a big ole bag of Choclate Covered Truth Dipped Oreos all up in this bitch.


when you mess up, do something dumb
Homers quote works perfectly "why do things that happen to dumb people keep happening to me"???

its scary
how if there's hell below is the unoffical anthem for the christian right and people like sarah palin, "everybodys praying,everybodys saying but when come time to do everybodys laying" or right for the darkness can describe the 8 years of bush "educated fools from uneducated schools" god damn mayfields

If your a fan of mayfield
Check out the Hughes brothers insanely underrated 1998 crime epic Dead Presidents. not only is the film a throwback to movies like superfly and amazing but it prominently feature s several of mayfields best songs , pusherman, right on for the darkness, if there's hell below, we people darker

we love dan harmon, take it easy
"The only thing noteworthy about that episode, in my opinion, is how touching it feels for Chevy to be near Alison" I've noticed that Dan Harmon seems to be the harshest critic of his own show and his WTF interview kinda painted him as hardworking but miserable person. Relax Dan, your

people who watch fox news and buy gold know who g gordon is.

I just want to use this time
To complain how shitty Dark Knight strikes again was. I just read it a few years ago and man it is literally the worst sequel to anything ever. The art was awful, not an artistic choice to look a certain way just amateurish, the plot is convulted and supports fascism,God I hated that book

hey shia
that's mr. ford, not harrison you punk ass disney actor

Green Lantern is more of a first tier hero in the dc universe, just saying

@ Lemur and its worth your time to read and respond to his quote complainng about the tolerability index that complaining about conan tweeting about the weather

guess you

Was accounting for lawyers any good?
I can't remember because all I remember from that episodes is annies sweet titties

I dunno its not so much about treating journalists like shit that bugs me but just treating any other human whose trying to do a job like shit doesn't sit right with me

anti comedy sounds as much fun as eating at an anti gourmet restaruant, its just something that other comedians find funny

Nerdist drinking game
Every time Chris Hardwick describes something as AMAZING!!! take a drink.play it in honor of my friend who created this game and died of alcholism the first week he played it.

Doug Loves Movies is heavily reliant on whose the guests, sometimes he guests that are insane like Simon Pegg but other times its like The crew of adam corollas podcast.