subpar US adaptation of a witt

well of course black swan didnt feature a fox saying chaos reigns!!

Rare wheels coming off for ad
The third act of American dad really brought the episode down, the sequence on the boat, stans amazement at steves peace (what a cool way to get off the phone!) had all the makings for an a episode. but the ending just kinda crapped out, i mean the whole z00 climax , basically been done

what becomes of a crossover event deferred
What happens to the american dad/family guy/cleveland show hurricane, crossover event that the network nixed in light of the recent hurricanes. I mean bobs burgers had a hurricane subplot 3 or so episodes ago and no one mind, are they just never showing those episodes?

every story featuring zach galifinaki is fing amazing, there's this story he told on one podcast on how he failed a college course by one point because he got drunk and heckled the professor at a student professor softball game and the the professor would not give him the one point needed to pass

Agreed, for a second I thought Byrne's interview was going to stray into gallagher territority. Byrnes odd poor whites shtick is made even more ridiculous by his asian heritage. I don't understand whats so hard to get, its ok to make fun of whites because they are in general terms in power and dont have the long

I thought sappity tappity was hillarious but he was just a little too much like Paul F Tompkins sir andrew loyd webber but he i liked it

b+ for the episode f for the transition post carrell
This Office while not the best written story it was pretty fing hillarious at times B .I gotta give the showrunners an F for how they have handeled the office post carrell. I just feel it was completely unneccessary to not make Carells departure the final episode

This show is'nt ending for at least another half a decade. Your forgetting the paper wherehouse full of cash this show is making in syndication money. In so cal this show is syndicated by about 5 different local channels so this show aint going anywhere

"True story, I woke vibrating once, turns out I was in a Sharper Image, turns out i had a hard on, turns out no one cared."

Let me explain those have not been in asses

At first I thought
That the ariticle was refering to Wendell's Wire co star and thief of scences in the film cedar rapids Isiah Whitlock Jr. I'm kinda of disapointed now that it isnt, Wendells great though and it gives me an oppurtinuty to drop a shiiiiiiiit

Don't sleep on Bobs Burgers it has all the charm and wit of home movies.

haha he does thats fucking weird, its like how michael jacksons kids look like him after he became a white woman

How even more awesome is Colin Hanks nowthat his half brother Chet Haze shenangians and general lack of self awareness is causing all the goodwill given by his family name to go up in smoke (see what I did there). I mean really he was in Mad Men, O.C was a pretty fun late 90s teen flick. He was on Comedy Death

@violet crumbes From under a pile of pop tart packages and empty Moutain Dew Whiteout bottles wearing my lazy pants,I emerge as "that guy who doesnt watch but is aware colin hanks starring entertainment"
I know what you mean, that tbs show had/has Jason Lee it has the word Memphis in the title and Belushi/ O'Connel

oooh Dennis Quaids and Meg ryans son
So he has a batshit crazy aunt and uncle and a mom who looks like the joker thank God he's rich and his dads only problem is starring in occasionly shitty movies

I may be only one thinking this but
Remember during past seasons, the cast would bring their mothers to the set and it would be a somewhat lame but nice bit that humanized and familarized you with the cast. It seems that they don't any skits where the cast plays themselves. I kinda miss that also. If fey brought along

@artie screw this ellie gould bitch, how did your phone call go thats pretty late call

I think satan was refering to the fact that it has been on hiatus for the couple of past weeks to make room for the extended office and 30 rock episodes and here i go to drown myself in curry for knowing the scheduling in and outs of outsourced

shoody journalisim
David Spade does commercials for seven up get it right