subpar US adaptation of a witt

lets not jump to conclusions
If she forced her kids to eat cheap grocery store imitation crab, then its child abuse. If she fed her kid some maine or straight out of the sfresh crab, then come on. They may be allergic but people can't even afford crab

hahhah staircar1 your brillant mark madsen comment may be lost on 98% of these commentators but i appreciated it


Fun Fact: On Chris Hardwicks delightful Nerdist podcast. The actor who plays Harry Crane said that Harry Crane was orginally supposed to jump out of a window,so maybe harry ends up killing himself. Personally I think Roger time is quickly fadinh

I don't think
Trudy is the only one with a taste for homo eroticism , Roger practically begging Don to go to the dinner made me wonder about old roger there.

random observation
Why was Eugene Levi at Peggys Birthday Dinner
"Sit down and Visit" Divorce and alcholoism has turned Don into an old jewish woman
Listening to your coworkers memoirs is the youtube of 1965
First Nixon then Liston Man these people do not how to pick them at all I bet they'll predict The Beatles to be

I liked it better the first time
When it was a gory,campy delightful Japanese action movie called battle royale but seriously I will totes mcgoats checking this out. was this out before battle royale or have some influence on the film

Barry white once said
That one morning when he was a kid he woke up with his signature baritone. Do you think a young 12yr old gottfried woke up with his grating ridiculous voice. Is it just me or is it impossible not to hear said ridiculous voice while reading this article

all lame attempts at secondsies aside I did really like in rainbows and kid A, hail to the theif was pretty good, but still appreciate their more rock stuff of early 90s or maybe cuz im a 90s baby looking at art through nineties colored glasses

umm… hello Watchmen, while I was reading the graphic novel the whole time I was thinking UHHH enough cold war commentary, more stop motion fight scenes!!!

I don't know bout you
but id prefer stock traders killing hobos then making scores and scores of new hobos with there careless financial malfeance,but the avclub comment section is where we go to escape the economy and enjoy some carefree canceraids, elegant victorian ladies and nicole kraus references, lets not sully

I dont bout you
I MIGHT BE WRONG but Im very excited to hear this album I'm practically ClLIMBING UP THE WALLS to get this album. I just hope its as good as I expect and theres NO SUPRISES. If i buy this album and its no good I don't want to be left HIGH and DRY, I'll feel like a real Creep……parnoid android

i'd appreciate there work
but I only genuinely love 2 of their albums Ok computer, the bends

Does anyone feel that this is one of those pieces of art like Catcher in the Rye, or a much lesser extent that crazy people just fucking love. Like I feel if you know someone who watched this movie 100 times maybe watch out

its hack week here at the the av club..
Tuesday: Collin Quin, Wednesday: Gilbert Gottfried, Thursday: Carlos Mencia, all leading to Fridays 3 part Dane Cook interview… also can you imagine the meeting where they distribute the interview assignments ok nathan take Kevin Mcdonanld, Sean take Ice Cube. Chirs I got a

remember kids
having a baby while your a teen will ruin your life, you'll be forced to become a tool of the religous right and dance with reality stars and horrible asian comedians. btw can't dtwts be sued for false advertising, I mean "stars" really

or theres this other thing
Its just like control tv where you can chose what someone wears or works or dates or lives. its called living…

whoa whoa fellas ladies
I see a lot of heated discussions and I think we all calm down and agree that beardless 80s dennis miller was the greatest weekend update anchor ever!!!!

agreed, well is my face blue

a young drummer whose parents took his drums for being too loud