
Surprisingly harmonious!!

Vanna could be a grandma soon. Yer welcome!!

Oh puleez!! I'm sure she cleans up beautifully.

Stan: still not your boyfriend.

I'm not buying it. Yet. He's just playing Pete for…something else.

I mostly enjoyed this in spite of it's fairy-tale treatment of crazies. The best thing was the way sending people "to Baltimore" was synonymous with sending them to the looney bin.

I mostly enjoyed this in spite of it's fairy-tale treatment of crazies. The best thing was the way sending people "to Baltimore" was synonymous with sending them to the looney bin.

[has a much-needed burst of happy]


So "In the Flesh" is like that zombie soap opera they tried several years ago that the network decided that no one would watch, even though it was, basically, awesome?

Ew. Just Ew.

What about French Lts Woman? BWAHAHAHAAHA.

At least WE aren't flying the plane. You goin to visit the Mayor of Iceland, Todd?

I like it. Also it makes my shoes look great!!

I said that, and I'm still ruminating. This episode gave me nightmares and I'm pretty  old, with a pretty tough subconscious. THAT is one reason that I stop and ask myself, "Is this entertainment now?" The second reason is that I have zero confidence that they will wrap the series in a way that makes sense, since they

@Dikachu:disqus I am always interested in your opinions. Of dicks!! (not kidding!!)

I had a bad feeling when Catelyn looked at the two of them with a DAW-expression at long last.

I have to admit I could NOT remember who Bolton was. I had to google around to get an idea, but I still don't remember him from the teevee. Nasty character - he should have had more screen time before.

We had really good luck prowling Fear Net last night. "Burning Bright" 2010—dayum, but there are a lot of things with that title—was a purely adorable little thriller. The synopsis was: A girl caring for her autistic brother and heading off to college learns that her stepfather has stolen her savings to buy a circus