Jeff Garlins 7th Stroke

I'm interested in your ACO "treatise" as long as it doesn't involve the last chapter.

So leave.

Kubrick stated he was disappointed how Lolita turned out and that he wouldn't have started the project if he'd known the compromises he'd be forced to make.  Having said that, his ideal Lolita would probably have still been unacceptable to you just as his Shining is to many King fans.

I think Robert Evans talks about having first dibs on Pale Fire and being dismayed to find he had no idea what the fuck he was reading.

He's busy teaching underprivaledged youth how to OWN.  Not even joking.

Arnie's cameo is surprisingly funny.

Shame on you!

Hopefully they'll kill themselves next.

Don't call it that.

When he's not on screen, everybody should be saying "where's Superman?"


Tropico 4?  Who'd have pinned ZMF as a tin pot dictator?

She thinks she's Babe: Pig in the City.

Don't be homophobic.

Is it really unintentional?  I've only played RE5 but that certainly felt like it was aware how daft and campy it was.

Cute Story, bro.

Still can't maintain a functioning boiler though.


Delusional babies need the most love.

Stupid hippo.