
Someone man up and ask MDDG out already. I mean jesus, you people are all sitting around complaining about not being in a relationship, have common interests, and there is at least a decent gender mix, and probably a few gays and lesbians floating around too, so start pairing up and populate the earth with a new

Both Exit and Restrepo are good movies, but neither of them struck me as truly amazing. Exit makes some interesting commentary about how art and capitalism intersect, and how the value of art in the market place is not really decided by the artistic merit of the work. That really isn't a major revelation, but the

Well it is not as if they would have needed to reach deep into their method acting bag o' tricks to find the appropriate horror invoking memory. She merely needed to comprehend the fact that she had been placed under the physical and spiritual power of a sect of fanatical clowns that believed their terrible stained

I found the thing rather creepy. It looked to me like the old people were actors. Maybe you were being sarcastic. One never can be certain anymore.

Man, people sure come out of the woodwork to trash on a person's art once the slightest bit of negative press is posted here. It sounds like maybe the guy is maybe a bit of an asshole based on some second hand information. The eagerness with which people here use such unsubstantiated judgments to try and tear down a


Also, while I am at it, I think a good solution that would appease the hip crowd while also creating better urban density and less conflict between motorists and pedestrians and bikers would be to create a 10-15 block pedestrian only mixed use business/shopping zone in downtown somewhere that can act as a sort of

I don't watch the show, but I have seen the Tim and Eric celery man clip, and that was pretty fucking funny. Everything else I've seen of theirs though was kind of mediocre.


That is one of the going theories about how newspapers should be financially structured. Basically, by no longer being fully for profit driven businesses, they can survive indefinitely as long as there are people willing to sponsor them for more philanthropic purposes because they view newspapers as a social good



I was thinking, since we all live in Portland, we should all get together so we could hate each other for our tastes in things in person instead of anonymously on the internet, and then maybe when we posted stuff on the internet, we would all pretend to like each other and post real nice messages to one another and

Know I'm gonna sounds like a giant douche
But sometimes I wonder if maybe we shouldn't all just finally grow up and behave like adults (I fully include myself in this accusation for what it is worth).

Also, that clip was funny in concept, but for one reason or another, it didn't manage to make me laugh. Hopefully the series as a whole has a better execution. Sometimes concept alone isn't enough to make humor chuckle worthy. That's why I think The Kids In the Hall were so great. They combined high concept stuff like


Also, late, but what the hell I'll shout my two cents into the void. I agree that the whole movie is slick but vacuous, and I also agree that Ramona is meant to be something of a cipher that we as an audience can project our feelings on to, I guess because aesthetically what she is meant to represent is quite clear. I

I don't know if it is really meant to critique runaway progressivism or if it is trying to revel in it (probably both) but that clip did successfully manage to encapsulate what it feels like to live in Portland right now. While I tend to agree with the principles, I do so detest the endless posturing. It's the same

Work on your reading skills. Editorial oversight for fear of political retaliation. That is, I think PBS exercised their editorial powers in order to avoid possible political retaliation from the republican house that may cut funding. I do not count what PBS did as the retaliation itself, but a fear of it.

Vet, you're entirely missing the point. The issue is PBS using editorial oversight to possibly censor political speech. Since the decision was editorial of course and PBS is under no requirement to tell us the truth behind their reasons, we can only speculate about it. The fact that it is even a possibility is