
Also, the things you enjoyed? You forgot to mention the various things I enjoyed amongst them! Why is that? After all, I enjoy them very much, much more than I enjoy those things you seem to like. I shall now present a list of the things I enjoy to make up for this oversight.

It would be a pretty silly album without that feature.

Well that was a let down!

I think he was just accurately describing some of the trappings of the world Talkjaw woke up in. The fat white guy population has definitely exploded over the past several years like some sort of growing or expanding something… dammit I just can't come up with a good analogy.

To be fair, my area sports team is far superior to your area sports team.

That is bizarrely similar to a comment I made on the Atlantic about a month ago. Stupid memes.

I'm in agreement with you there. Several of the songs sounded much better prior to the studio release.

Also, for what it is worth, I object to the content of Twilight and the content of violent video games pretty equally in terms of their effects on young adults. Contrary to the conventional view of liberals and the young, I think these things do shape our common notions of normative behavior when we are younger,

I recognize it as objectionable. So do many others on here. The thing to consider is that on any given message board, posts will be disproportionately reflective of the most obnoxious members of a community who are likely also the most vocal. You can't expect the entire community to be enlightened about these things.

I would go one step further and say most people are ignorant, emotional beings that form conclusions about the world and those in it with little thought invested and even less effort made to separate their emotions from their reasoning (I would include myself as one of those people). But, of course, this failing is

You know who else let cultural garbage slide by? Hitler.

I'm in almost complete agreement. I've made similar arguments, albeit in relation to the broader political culture. I think this same trend has sort of thrown normal gradual cultural change out of whack, replacing it with this endless desire to push boundaries, sometimes to the detriment of society. Whereas in the

Franco would obviously put the Cock-N-Balls on his cock and balls and unload his Portland cream after triple chocolate penetrating his blow up dolls . Possibly he would christen the achievement with a dirty snowball at the end. Have we learned nothing from previous newswires?

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus  You can have a movement and still have debates in which a view is clearly articulated. In fact, one of the advantages of picking a few leaders is that they can voice these complex ideas. I'm not asking that everyone agree on every point. I am suggesting though that

@avclub-84e43a60237ffece9cd4c85c103e298c:disqus My point isn't shut up and take it. My point is if you are going to protest, have a clear complaint and a clear demand and make efforts to control the message so that someone in power might actually do something in response. When you don't do those things, most people

@avclub-8adc83a4252503bdddcc1ecf539b2904:disqus  I believe the best strategy would be to pick one or two of the most serious problems affecting our country and lobby for change in that direction. Campaign finance reform would be a very legitimate target, but unless the Buffets of the world decide to throw down, I

The problems are complex. Generally, when adults are faced with complex problems, they break the problem down into its component parts and solve each part by clearly considering the problem.

I have a vague sense of the various things people are upset about. Pointing out flaws in a system is an incredibly easy thing to do. I find it much less clear as to what solution to our problems OWS is proposing. When I have heard anything by way of solutions, they seem out of touch with history, economics, politics

I never claimed they were stupid. Misinformed about how politics works perhaps, and even a little ignorant of the viewpoints of the average American, but not stupid.

You are like the 200th person I've heard claiming an entirely unique message as "obviously" what OWS is about. Everyone seems so convinced that their take is the correct and obvious interpretation of events, yet each take is slightly different. It is almost like this is a leaderless movement with no clear message or