
It's a tie between 4 and 6. Although 8 is so absolutely, mind-bogglingly terrible that it is actually a lot of fun. Death by guitar? Decapitation via uppercut? Yes please.

Ico is fucking amazing.

Your father was a slacker too!

You have to keep it to two or three words.

I would seriously contemplate giving up a testicle to make this happen. Talk about an embarrassment of riches in the talent department. Tim Dow and Jason Gerken were, are, will be my favorite drummers of all time. Ye gods, get this shit together. Shiner are so awesome it makes me weep like a small child.

On Christmas Day I was shuffling the old iPod and "Assassination on Xmas Eve" actually came on, and I have been on a serious Loaf kick ever since. Awesome awesome band. Also White Trash Heroes is seriously underrated.

Coalesce was fucking awesome. I can't say I agree on DEP and Converge, both good, but not as good as Botch. I can't fucking stand TAAS. However I will throw out there that Until Your Heart Stops era-Cave In stomps all over all the above. And in turn they are stomped by Keelhaul.

This is Edward R. Rooney, dean of students.

My wife says this to me all the time.

I'm partial to Hall of Presidents

It's the crabby tech guy. Get him!

I like the woman that calls the lasagna "vivacious." I certainly do not associate Pizza Hut with vivacity.

We'll see. Hopefully you're right.

In all fairness I rarely watch SNL, so my knowledge of the vast depths of its unfunniness is pretty limited. I'm sure there have been worse.

I can't imagine shit like Masturbating Bear or Gaseous Weiner going over like gangbusters with the 10:30pm crowd, necessarily. I would think he is going to have to change up his style a little.

Nebraska is not an appropriate soundtrack for incredible savings.

Speaking of tanking, I tuned in briefly to SNL last night before I went to bed, and I saw a Steve Martin sketch that was possible the least funny thing I've ever seen. No one in the audience was laughing. It was totally brutal.

I'd like to see Denver not be retarded next year. We just hired a coach that's like, three years older than me, so I guess I better not hold my breath.

Those guys are hydrated to the extreme!

I'm pretty sure I care about football.