raging fluff

Has Billy Joel complained that the title 'Uptown Funk' is a little too close to 'Uptown Girl'?

You're only required to remain two chevrons behind the driver in front of you; Marvel is being extra-cautious

oh, okay, well, that's not much better, is it?

I could never figure out how the hell they paid for all their stuff

i mean inconsistent in how she could praise a film at first and shit all over it at a later time, and dammit, now , i cannot find an example. but i love her reviews; i do think there is room for essay-length reviews, and i am very curious about her so-called feud with other critics (andrew sarris??) and about her

indeed; it's fairly assumed by all involved that he made the script ten times better

and then the song asks "does your conscience bother you? Now tell the truth."

yes, why isn't Peoples involved with the sequel?

I don't have TV anymore, but when I did I was drawn to stuff like "Sister Wives". I don't know if it's still on, but it was weirdly addictive, in spite of the fact that it was like watching porn about a fetish that I don't have

she was always inconsistent and generally shot from the hip, and a lot of what she wrote was garbage and the sort of thing which wouldn't pass muster in an undergraduate essay, but my God, she's an entertaining critic … and when she was right, she was spot-on. I would love to know what she thought of Tarantino (was

I never regarded Money as a completely sympathetic character or a 'hero' and i think the script is very good at showing the moral ambiguity surrounding each of the characters

i always thought the line was "he just did what he had to do" which would be a defence of segregation

Okay, I'll follow you! *

In related news, Hipster DBag has just won the award for Kindergarten Teacher of the Year

Someonerules the Internet? It's not that Ultron fellow I've been hearing a lot about recently, is it?

Jack Nicholson > Heath Ledger. But Jack Nicholson < Cesar Romero

oh now there's a thought!

Person to Person? That's what the old-timey folks sometimes called long distance - so is this a hint that Don will have a phone conversation with Meagan? (God, please, no). And Lost Horizon? Bloody hell. What is Shangri-La for Don Draper?

I was just watching that scene this morning (via some rather-stretching-a-comparison-to-have-an-interesting-view-on-Mad Men article).

Jack Lemmon in … well, practically everything, except Some Like It Hot, of course. "I'm engaged."
"Who's the lucky gal?"
"I am."