raging fluff

The A.V. Club
Predicting more and more impending apocalypses, with increasing certainty

I'm in, not because of Tatum and Hardy (who I both like), but because the subject matter intrigues me: if memory serves the area features in Miami Vice, and watching the film I thought 'forget Miami; I want to see more about this place.'

There is - it's called Eurimages, but it works very often in association with non-member states, and I think there are rules to do with the proportion that each is putting into the project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

I wait to see if the studio includes that chickenshit "No person or entity associated with this film received payment or anything of value, or entered into any agreement, in connection with the depiction of tobacco products." After decades of glamourizing smoking, films these days go out of their way to avoid mention

They used to show episodes of The Office (UK) to business management students to demonstrate how not to run an office.

I don't remember her in Juno at all, and I'm pretty sure the only other thing I've seen with her is Dredd, and she was great in it

If one has a nut allergy, an almond is terrifying.

And of course a thirty-something woman hooks up with a man in his sixties like it's no big thing … I know that Anglade in his prime was considered something of a sex symbol, and he does still have a certain je ne sais quoi (he is for me the Gabriel Byrne of French cinema, and for the entire series people were either

*wicked guitar lick*

ok watched 3 of 6 eps. Yes, you're right, it's no True Detective, even though it aims for some mythological stuff and has a damaged cop and whatnot, but I'm intrigued enough by the mystery to watch it all. But zut alors! it does have some creaky cliches

just found it on Dailymotion - will report back

I've seen bits. It's overwrought and hysterically soap opera-ish and really quite good. I can't decide if Jude Law is great in it or hammy as hell. This should give you a good sense of what it's like: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Yes, the sloth paddling in the water was just -
… oh, you mean the snakes and the iguanas, don't you?

Ransom looks awful. Taken looks dreadful, but perhaps hysterically so, in a 'this is so bad I can't help watching' way. Ditto Frontier.

Mentor [in gruff Cockney tone]: Always shoot first.
Han: Really? That doesn't seem very dec-
Mentor hurls Han against the wall, holds blaster to his head: ALWAYS SHOOT FIRST!!!!

"I'll need to see your briefs."
"Wow, that's a huge affidavit you have."
… etc.

The AV Club

I must say, Woods versus Beaverhausen has a certain porny quality, but it's probably of the quite nasty sort


"i've done … questionable things."