
Great review, Donna.

Your explanation of Birgitte's dilemma is obviously correct, but in real world Denmark poorer people do actually use private hospitals as well. After waiting one month for treatment at a public hospital, you can freely choose between the private hospitals (or to go abroad) with full payment from public funds.

The most classical liberal party (or conservative in American speak) in Denmark wants an income tax rate of 36-40% instead of the current tax rate of 36-52%. While still maintaining a value added tax of 25%, a capital gains tax of 27-42%, corporate tax of 22%, a property tax rate of 1-3%, a land value tax of 1-3%,

In its final review of Borgen, the biggest Danish newspaper strongly criticizes the show for constantly asking "did you get that, you in the corner of the couch?"

"But this little moment made me wonder if I’d somehow been missing the forest for the trees when it comes to Borgen. Maybe it’s all just an over-obvious slog! Maybe I’ve been missing subtext made text all over the place because of the Danishness!"

There's about 70 employees working in Statsministeriet, which is the Danish prime minister's office.

It feels great to say "bork". It sounds like something that lives on Klendathu. However, the part of me that I hate, my inner buzz killer, compels me to point out that Borgen is actually pronounced "borne". Or maybe "bow in". Also, it compels me to point out that I'm really, really bad at finding English words that

The show is not wholly unrealistic regarding that aspect. I've shared risalamande, Danish pastry and coffee with just about every politician of notice in Denmark, and I'm basically just a glorified stooge. Being down-to-earth and affable is seen as a great virtue and high-and-mighty and aloof authority figures are

I would say so, yes. The level of attractiveness always amazes me when I return from vacations abroad. Or when I look in the mirror. *ba-dum-tschh*

I never thought about it, but Borgen does actually sound great with an English pronunciation. The Danish pronunciation goes more along the lines of "bone".

I didn't notice that AV Club had started reviewing Borgen. Good on you.

That was actually a very funny episode. What's happening with this show? It has been on a roll since The Page Part One and Two. Who would have thought?

There is a diminishing return on the whole Robin Sparks thing. The Behind the Music Canadian Edition was just about funny enough (Paul Schaffer storming off set in a very polite way made me laugh) but P.S. I Love You was stupid and Robin's wacky Canadian past is quite tedious by now.

I've been really critical of this show to the point of hatewatching it - deservedly - but they did well in this two-part episode. Really well. I absolutely hated Barney and Robin being together earlier on in the show, but they probably deserve another chance now. Let's just hope that it doesn't neuter the two of them

I've been really critical of this show to the point of hatewatching it - deservedly - but they did well in this two-part episode. Really well. I absolutely hated Barney and Robin being together earlier on in the show, but they probably deserve another chance now. Let's just hope that it doesn't neuter the two of them

It's quite harsh, actually, but the show deserves it. I could ignore the main characters transforming on a weekly basis to fit whatever stupid story that pops up in the writers' lazy mind (in this episode: Marshall being into Lesbian Robin when earlier he could barely imagine being with other girls than Lily, Robin

It's quite harsh, actually, but the show deserves it. I could ignore the main characters transforming on a weekly basis to fit whatever stupid story that pops up in the writers' lazy mind (in this episode: Marshall being into Lesbian Robin when earlier he could barely imagine being with other girls than Lily, Robin

This show is now so utterly terrible that I'm literally offended by it. The laugh-to-eye roll-ratio has plummeted to an astonishing 1:250, which means that there's probably about a half laugh per episode. Instead, we get stuffed with these extremely cheesy, undeserved and meaningless 'touching moments' between

This show is now so utterly terrible that I'm literally offended by it. The laugh-to-eye roll-ratio has plummeted to an astonishing 1:250, which means that there's probably about a half laugh per episode. Instead, we get stuffed with these extremely cheesy, undeserved and meaningless 'touching moments' between