
I almost feel sorry for her. Then I remember her reiterating that Birther bullshit on TV, shrug, and read whatever's next on the newswire.

I’m not sure if I was surprised or annoyed by that string cover of Metallica’s ”Wherever I May Roam” during Laurie’s breakdown. And then, later on, I was intrigued by the dual timelines because of what they were leading up to, the doctors and the covert pursuit and Nora being so determined to get where they were going

This is just…devastating to hear. I can't believe they even mustered the energy to consider working, let alone trying it and realizing they need time. I hope the family finds solace and peace in each other's company in time. And…rest in peace to their daughter.

I am not really a fan of memes becoming something ridiculous and off-puttingly off-brand in general, but…nothing about this rubs me the wrong way in the least. This just seems really, really fun, and is packed with talented people. This really deserves a "Great job, internet!" and it's on the newswire instead? Come on…

Ellie Kemper is so lovely as Kimmy, I totally get that people think she's that way in real life too and just assume she's mad when they see her not smiling crazily out on the street. And I realized that this was just an episode recap so I'm removing my additional comment about Titus…

You know what? It _was_ sweet. And it _was_ kinda funny. Moving? Yeah, that too. And it was also super-weird that Cam and Mitchell apparently know absolutely nothing about their daughter.

"20 Feet Tall" by Erykah Badu.

I don't mind Jimmy Fallon too much, he's a goofball who laughs at his own jokes and knows it. But, there's one line in this overly self-victimizing article that really bugs me, and it's "I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just trying to have fun.”. That's a goddamn luxury that he should know about, no matter how

I liked Powerless. Wish it was still around. I'm not sure I like this. Despite it being a very silly work-place comedy I can't really get with the idea that Carol wouldn't be incredibly fired after her first mistake of the seemingly thousands she's made in just 6 episodes. Maybe I'm not the target audience for it.

I have not experienced anything that I can remember, but I do have a story about witnessing quite a big group of people react to a piece of pop culture at the same time.

I get that Johan is a bit of a tool with his hippie stuff, but they're being way too mean to him now. It's making me sad. And, also, everything else made me sad too. They do the "pull the hell out of your heart-strings"-thing damn well.

Yeah. Nah. The Del Toro/Perlman combination is what makes this special to me. I get that it's difficult to do things with Del Toro with his specific vision and desired high budgets, but it's one thing to abandon the existing core if they've or the movies have been bad and another if it's just done "to try something

Right? Gail in particular feels like the kind of person who would've cast off while he's at it, both to get going and to get away from his crap.

Now he's making idiotic speeches on the boat instead of leaving. Goddammit. This is so stupid. It was getting somewhere good and then they Tandyd all over it again. I need Kristen Wiig to shoot Tandy next and raise the baby with Carol.

Alright, the ending was much better. When Tandy got serious and the birth got going. Back to E18 now. BRB.

Halfway through E17, I have come to the unavoidable conclusion that Tandy needs to be killed off. Preferably by Erica before she gives birth, but I'm not a stickler about this so anyone killing him will do. And Carol, who once seemed reasonable, seems to have become dumber from being with Tandy. I think it's more

It's so beyond any reason and completely _insane_ that people think that. I love making fun of it occasionally just to see if people manage to see what I'm trying to do, which is basically feed into what you're explaining and see what reaction I get. There are tons of proxies for that kind of thinking around the

This feels like Damon Albarn just trying out how far his pop superpowers actually can go, just for fun, if they can give De La Soul raps to someone like Stephen Colbert and still make it work not only passably but actually quite well. It's just boastful at some point, but it's still damn enjoyable.

Dammit, that's true…I'll have to avoid chicken joints he frequents.

Exactly. And if anyone should know it's him, right? You don't get to be a brain surgeon, who seems to have actually tried stuff out on himself but that's neither here nor there, without being at least a little bit S-M-R-T.