Fudgie the Whale

Just 'cause she's dated them doesn't mean she's slept with them. Unless we're talking "sleepovers", with manicures and popcorn and playing "truth or dare" and squealy-giggling at everything all night. In which case, I can totally see her doing that with pretty much everyone she's ever dated.

I would actually love to see her try.

Last week, Taylor Swift saw fit to cast two of America's Comedy Sweethearts into hell for making a mild joke at her expense.

I have a soft spot for songs like this one, that function in the same way as a recon mission: get in, get the job done, and get the hell out. No time wasted on pointless fuckery.

Not true, actually - I'm one of those who dislikes them, but doesn't flat-out HATE them. I just never understood the hype with them, really. I get that it was in the thick of the "Cool Brittania" thing and all, but my reaction to them was basically, "Meh".

Honestly, I have been far more entertained over the years by the public comments of both Gallaghers than by any music Oasis ever released.

If you're seriously asking…Oasis won in the categories of image & attitude. But Blur won for music. I give the edge to Blur since I think they were just a better band.

Doesn't he even drink his own product? A few perfected Absolut cocktails should loosen his ass up a bit. Someone get that man an acai berry martini - STAT!

Yes! I noticed that Michelle did a 180-turnaround with the green thing, too! Somewhere in Puerto Rico, Madame LaQueer is banging her head against a wall in frustration…

Ivy's very likeable…at least, there's no reason to dislike her, but I can't really root for her when the only time she truly makes me sit up and take notice of her is on the runway.

@avclub-d35d0af0d2a70c049bbedcb88e25ef28:disqus  "It's not like she's intentionally funny…she's
just kind of unwittingly hilarious. The faces! The random phrases!

I am right there with you - I expected more from Alaska, but she's not bringing it the way I thought she would. She's reliable, but in a drag competition that isn't necessarily a good thing. I have yet to be "wowed" by her the way I often was by queens like Raven, Raja - or, I hate to say it, Sharon.

We've certainly seen her getting ripped for being overpolished. When Ruth Pointer called her out for highlighter that was "higher and lighter than I've seen in many a time"…I DIED.

@avclub-7928cdc9a5040872be11e87e9bef1d67:disqus Agreed 100%. Roxxxy had her opening "double wig" moment and started out strong, but Alyssa's the one who turned the complexity and drama up as her performance progressed. I think Alyssa definitely had the edge and that Roxxxy's outburst, genuine or not, was the thing

I don't think I've ever had such up-and-down feelings about so many queens in one season before. I started out thinking that Alaska, Roxxxy and Detox were the ones to beat. But so far, Alaska has been consistently good, but not great. Roxxxy has annoyed the ever-loving shit out of me, and Detox is just…sort of…there

About My So-Called life:

True. Sort of has a "tortured artist" thing going on there, doesn't he? But nothing impresses me more about him than his unabashed love for CHiPs. That's the mark of a true non-fuck-giver.

You may be on to something there. Makes sense to me.

Moltar is a grade-A badass. Indubitably.

I think I have a few that weren't already mentioned, in no particular order: