Fudgie the Whale

Alaska shows her heart when she's in the workroom, or in the commentaries, or on Untucked. When she's on the runway or in a challenge, though, she's going strictly for humor more often than not. So based on what the judges would have seen of her during the competition, she's not coming across the same way to them as

I know. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Not at all. When I heard Alaska read that line, I was ready to put the crown on her head myself.

A show about drag queens cannot and should not be subtle. OTT or GTFO.

As a parent myself, those videos ALWAYS get me. I just know how much it would kill me if my own kid ever felt unloved or rejected by those who are supposed to love her unconditionally, and when I see so many of the queens struggling with the feelings of rejection and alienation they have, and talking about the lack of

I'd definitely watch her on stage, at a club or something. But on this show, she's just….ugh. I can't.

That shit is addictive. Funnier than 90% of what's on prime time TV right now, as far as I'm concerned.

What? No love for Raven??? I'd put Raven above (or at least right alongside) every other queen you named. She definitely got robbed, IMHO. There were times during that second season when I was living for Raven's commentary - that's one high-larious queen, but also GORGEOUS! And a gifted lip-sync artist. Just didn't

Coco can lip sync the house down, no question. I would disagree that it makes up for the general stank given off by every other element of her presence, though.

On the one hand, I'm glad Michelle called out Detox on that jaw-wiggle thing she always does.

@avclub-da7812efd6af25bc1ce8e176255a78b7:disqus "Ivyyyy Wiiiiiiinters.  So pretty. So talented.  Where's the personality?"

Willam: yes, please. That bitch cracks me up like no other queen I've ever seen on Drag Race.

Purple dalmatian puppies + pink dolphins = cute.

I was really looking forward to relishing Jade Jolie's elimination, since I've been over her Lisa Frank ass for a while already. But I have to give credit where it's due - she was almost, dare I say it, likeable in Untucked. She knew she hadn't done as well as the other girls, she owned it, and she didn't try to point

Thanks for that, I actually had not heard it before and it's absolutely wonderful!

@avclub-13cd762222c50c46919c328c3dbf87b3:disqus  I'm married to a Scot, born & raised less than an hour outside of Glasgow, but even he didn't know about The Blue Nile until I told him about them. They fly way under most people's radar, as you noted - and, as you also noted, that's a crying shame. I guess the fact

I'm sure if they could auction that off, they would. I would definitely insist on a Certificate of Authenticity for that, though.

No needles, but there is a pin, which I'd also love to bid on if I could:

No needles, but there is a pin, which I'd also love to bid on if I could: