Shane Danielsen

It seems the editors felt The AV Club needed its own Armond White.

Yep, SimonArk, you said it beautifully. And your list of companions is spot-on.

That second Retribution Gospel Choir album is just incredible, I think. (First one's … okay.)

How the hell -
is that shirt 'unbuttoned too far'? Guy's got one extra button undone - and almost no neck. It's not like he's Bernard Henri-Levi.

I'll be damned if I'm seeing these guys until they start spelling my name correctly.

It's the needlessly shaky framing of a static shot that kills me. 'Ooh, look,' the filmmakers want you to think, 'it's so immediate and visceral!' In fact, it's the cinematic equivalent of acid-wash denim, and will age about as well.

'a group that changed pop music forever'
Seriously? The whole face of pop music? For all time? A Tribe Called Quest?

Cmndr_X and Munchausen-By-Taxi are right: 'Dragon's Domain' is the best ep, without a doubt, with 'Force of Life' a close second. But 'Another Time, Another Place' was pretty good, with its unsettling future-doppelganger storyline; and I liked 'Space Brain' (or was it 'Black Sun'?), which from memory turns into a kind

Yeah, 'Blake's 7' (to use a word I've never used before) owns. My best friend admitted once that Avon was her first masturbation-fantasy. She likes 'em dead-eyed and cruel, it seems.

I wish more people knew about these guys; their 'Violence in the Snowy Fields' album is a thing of genuine beauty, and I can't wait to hear this one. Yet, much like The Low Lows, they seem perennially overlooked by the very people who'd most love their music.

'… nobody gets to be a professional film critic who hasn't studied the art.'

Awesome, exceeding-even-one's-best-hopes interview.

@Somebody who actually likes rap music is right: 'Ironman' is an awesome album — better than 'Supreme Clientele', better than 'Pretty Toney', better, to my mind, than anything he's done apart from 'Fishscale'.

I agree with you, Zetes - in particular, about Hong. Having just suffered through this latest one in Venice - which looks, for the most part, like an industrial training video - I've decided that, unless someone trustworthy tells me he's pulled out a work of staggering genius, or a film at least as good as 'Turning

Her Betty Draper's fucking awesome - using whatever limitations she may or may not have as an actress (her rigidity, her wary discomfort with ordinary social interactions, her flat, affectless voice - even her way of reacting a half-beat after everyone else), and placing them absolutely in the service of the

That's funny, you're absolutely correct. In my mind, I was hearing 'Paradise City', but I can't recall, now, seeing it in the actual movie - just the trailer. (Which, yes, I watched. So why on Earth did I go SEE this? It's not like I wasn't warned …)

The camera just does not like that guy. He's like Robin Nevin: utterly magnetic onstage, a void onscreen.

I think the 'shoot yourself in the face' threshold for SATC2 was actually 41.7 seconds. (How long did it take Cynthia Nixon to appear, anyway?) But yeah.

Yeah. Looks like Wolfenstein.

Alas, it's just not fun enough: you're so distracted by the physical oddness on display (Stallone's face, these days, looks like Picasso drew it), that you almost overlook the incredible shittiness of the staging of action sequences, the awesome lameness of the dialogue. Almost.