Garaks Forehead Thing

Entirely rational, I think you mean.  This looks like a monument to stupidity.

I admire his bold decision to cast Banana Republic models.

When I see the word "art" printed under Mindy Kaling's face, I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind.

Oh, then I must be thinking of Bridesmaids.

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus Well, gee, thanks.  Anytime I can politely disagree with someone on the internet, I call that a win.

[WARNING: what follows might be upsetting to some Archer fans.  So if you're an Archer diehard, please skip this comment as I don't want/need to piss you off.]

Yeah.  I've been a longtime fan of the show, but I've found it nearly unwatchable lately.  Shrill and self-referential to a degree that would be funny if it were funny, which it is not anymore.

Let me just save everyone some time and point out that while this movie is pretty obviously a piece of crap, we all have to watch it because feminism.

OK, that's enough.  Just stop it now.  Please, I'm fucking begging you.  Stop trolling your readers.  This mediocre lifestyle-porn-for-Oberlin-girls gets fewer viewers than a local nightly newscast in a mid-sized DMA.

On the plus side, it put me to sleep almost immediately.

Very cool.

I guess permafrost no longer needs her help.

Fuck, I realize I let myself get trolled by Todd VanDerWerff.  I just have to remember, he doesn't mean to piss me off.  This is just what he does.

What fucking golden age of television?  Are you referring to the last few years, in which every piece of middlebrow horseshit that takes itself way too seriously is treated like art by the (approximately) 8,756,485 critics on the internet who desperately need something to write about every day?

This thing is wonderful.  For all you audio geeks out there, I highly recommend the blu ray version.  The lossless tracks are great, and really thoughtfully mixed.

“We’re well past the end of the century when time, for the first time,
curved, bent, slipped, flashforwarded, and flashed back yet still kept
rolling along. We know it all now, with our thoughts traveling at the
speed of a tweet, our 140 characters in search of a paragraph. We’re
post-history. We’re post-mystery.”

Wait are they sisters?  Twins?  Or just indistinguishable clones spawned from the same silo of suburban tastes?  If they are related, is it creepy how sexual they're trying to be (in a beige sort of way, that is)?  Why do all their music videos look like advertisements for Volkswagens, cell phones, condoms and/or

Fuck is up with those photos of them?

Bravo, Noel Murray.  Between this and the ZDT takedown, you might have just saved my sanity.

Yeah, this was probably one of the best albums of 2012.