Garaks Forehead Thing

There's an important difference.  In the case of, say, movies, literature or music, the intention of the creator is to sell media/entertainment/art/whatever directly to you.  They're in the business of making media for your consumption.

Question for the internet: has anyone ever pointed out that rating and reviewing television shows is like being a cow and rating your own feed?

Question for the internet: has anyone ever pointed out that rating and reviewing television shows is like being a cow and rating your own feed?

Thank goodness for this comment.  A breath of fresh air in the midst of the bloodthirsty, faux-intellectual bullshit apologies for this exploitative pile of donkey shit.

Thank goodness for this comment.  A breath of fresh air in the midst of the bloodthirsty, faux-intellectual bullshit apologies for this exploitative pile of donkey shit.

Agreed.  There's so much wrong with this film - and the slavering, thoughtless excitement it produces in people who spend most of their time describing their own petty problems with civil rights language - that it's almost impossible to describe.

Agreed.  There's so much wrong with this film - and the slavering, thoughtless excitement it produces in people who spend most of their time describing their own petty problems with civil rights language - that it's almost impossible to describe.

Is Kristen Stewart in this?  Or just in the photos of this?

Is Kristen Stewart in this?  Or just in the photos of this?

I'm taking odds on Wes Anderson turning Guy Bourdin.

I'm taking odds on Wes Anderson turning Guy Bourdin.

Yeah, I'm generally a fan of Hemsworth.  Maybe it's just that he always punches his own weight, but he's often the high point of things he's in (that fairy tale something or another perfume ad movie with Kirsten Stewart, for example).

Yeah, I'm generally a fan of Hemsworth.  Maybe it's just that he always punches his own weight, but he's often the high point of things he's in (that fairy tale something or another perfume ad movie with Kirsten Stewart, for example).

Question, since you seem like you have a head on your shoulders: who do you think would have been an ideal choice to play Jack Reacher?  I pretty skeptical of Tom Cruise in this, or maybe just disappointed they didn't give this to someone with big physical presence that can do taciturn with a little humor.

Question, since you seem like you have a head on your shoulders: who do you think would have been an ideal choice to play Jack Reacher?  I pretty skeptical of Tom Cruise in this, or maybe just disappointed they didn't give this to someone with big physical presence that can do taciturn with a little humor.

Way too fucking short.

Way too fucking short.

Is this real?  Or you just straight up trolling us now?

Is this real?  Or you just straight up trolling us now?

In this case, yeah, I've seen it.