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I have an excellent reason to watch this show. Julia just really does it for me, somehow or other. I find her to be absolutely gorgeous.

I can't wait to see that cocksucker.

And the rubbing of powdered donut sugar on creme wafers. Indefuckingfensible.

That's the thing about roasts. If you don't go full-bore, flame-thrower, cut-to-the-bone vicious, _THAT_ is the unforgivable insult. The meaner, the more love. A great roast can be the funniest form of comedy there is. Another commenter inferred that AVClub thinks roasts don't connect with this generation. Well, I'm

Ah shit, just like real life it looks like I'm a year late to the good party.

Fuse was born out of MuchMusic, the Canadian version of MTV from the 1990s. Let me tell you, that was the coolest fucking channel. I found it on my big 10-foot satellite dish and loved it so much that we went to Toronto on vacation and toured the station and met a couple of the hosts. I was all excited when I heard

Prediction: Jesse goes and finds Walt Jr. and … doesn't physically harm him, but spells out the entire story of what Walter has been doing. A fate worse than death for Walter Sr.

I believe the plural of "Hepatitis" is "Hepatitties."

It's KALAKA. In Babylonian, that meant "carpool."

Back when the song first came out, MTV was in such a hurry to get the video on the air — perhaps there was a missed deadline — that they aired a version without the special effects (the googly eyes and growing mouths). It was a lot creepier that way, with the woman just staring at the screen for five seconds.

Kiernan Shipka just acted the living shit out of that episode. She's going to tear Hollywood to shreds in a few years, for realsies.

You mean, the guy from the Shocking Pink song I listened to as a child?

Anybody get the feeling that the diabetes reference is meant as a metaphor alleging that lazy, fat people of our modern age have turned themselves into living zombies? If so, that's brilliant. If it was just me, then not so much.

Not entirely true. GOB is going to make it disappear.

Slow start … Huge build-up in the middle to what I was expecting would be a tremendous season climax … but then a (relative) fizzle-out at the end.