Loki the trickster god

Great unless you're listening to Belle & Sebastian or the Arctic Monkeys (hey, remember them?!) — otherwise the song will be over by the time the voice finishing reading the title to you.

What's simplier than one big button? No buttons!
Steve Job's valiant battle against the evils of buttons continues, no matter how counterintuitive or awkward the alternatives.

Why do all the great shows get cancelled!?
I'm a huge fan of Pushing Daisies. This review is troubling because the only hope I have for tying up the loose ends of that series (which will inevitably be the case regardless of the three remaining unaired episodes — based on how much is left to explain, and based on

Hulk '08 vs. Hulk '03
I would have thought idea of remaking Watchmen already was a joke, but that was before they remade the Hulk five years after the Ang lee version came out.

Gross is sometimes sycophantically but I think that's because she's essentially a huge pop culture nerd under the surface. Also, she usually butters up her guests right before hitting them with some question so personal it's almost shocking. the best/worse might have been when she asked Philip Seymour Hoffman how it

No walkout to report…
No walk outs at my small town theater. But then most of the people there seemed to be pretty big fans. Lots of pimply kids barely old enough to get in the door — and they were screening for the R rating. I got stuck in line behind a group of about eight high schoolers, all very theatrically

*saving the world. I apologize for the typo. Can we get an edit function on this board, folks?

The biggest thing that bothered me about the New Yorker review was that it criticized the film for being bogged down with origin stories. But really, the back story is the story. The mystery's only a small part of it — the biggest point of Watchmen is an exploration of the superhero genre. You cut out all the origin

*ostentatious outfits. Damn you spell check!

@Clueless Neophyte: I thought Akerman did a good job too. The reviewers really did her a disservice by trying to pin all the bad acting on her. The fact she was the only female lead almost makes their extreme (and unearned) criticism it feel like a case of subconscious sexism.

Snyder's over the top direction was a distraction at times. Not for the fights and the cinematic moments, but definitely in terms of the ridiculous horror-movie style blood and guts (and dangling skeleton arms). The people I went with were most affected by the hints of violence — like the little girl's leg bone being

I'm really not sure that naked blue Dr. Manhattan is really all *that* different from Rebbecca Romain Stamos in X-Men. Her (literally) painted on outfit is just a pretense, and, really, being computer generated, Manhattan's slong is much faker and therefor even lower on the naked scale. Plus, full frontal female

Bah. Sorry for the double post.

Bah. Sorry for the double post.

Did Meyers ever promote this on Conan? He's the only interviewer out there equal to Terry Gross for making their disdain for a movie clear without ever actually insulting it to their guest's face.

Did Meyers ever promote this on Conan? He's the only interviewer out there equal to Terry Gross for making their disdain for a movie clear without ever actually insulting it to their guest's face.

Overgrown man-children who aren't Matthew Broderick or Martin Short….
Isn't Myers basically already a doughy pudding head atop a small boy's body?