DaGlester Hardunkichud

I know. Still bothers me a little because I thought it was too obvious for them.  But that's just like the BB writers, to always telegraph their intentions so that people like me will think they're not going to do what we expect, every time, and then they do it.

I would have been traumatized by that ending but I would have remembered it forever.  I'm glad it didn't end that way because I just didn't want to be traumatized, but I also think the writers maybe backed away a little bit from something bigger and more threatening, more disturbing.  Again, I'm glad.  Just a little


Liked because it's horribly true.  But I hate that it's true.  Been trying to figure out some way for Jesse to make it out, but Andrea's death means he's done. He may get some revenge before (or as) he goes, though.  Gotta hope for that at least.

I kinda think it's for Holly.

Because if there's one thing we've learned, it's that the BB writers always telegraph their intentions and then do exactly what we expect, every time.

Plus Skinny Pete can play the Solfeggietto like a motherfucker.