
Let's not forget that Hank, Jr. has made noise about running for Senate for the great state of Tennessee. If he legislates like he sings, he will be a joy for all involved.

I also didn't get what Jennifer Garner being really shallow (for 90% of the movie) had to do with not being able to lie. You're lying if you fall in love with someone who is rich, successful and nice to you, but not physically attractive?

I really liked this movie a lot less than I thought I would too. My favorite Michel Gondry movie was the Science of Sleep, though. I thought that was a fully realized premise. Be Kind just didn't live up to what it could have been.

Betty is terrible, but Don did treat her terribly. So there is that.

That's the worst spoiler-non spoiler I've seen in a while. To people who haven't seen The Wire: fiddle you's comment doesn't real spoil anything.

The delicious ironing here is that Cake Boss has outlasted Ace of Cakes.

I have no idea what's going on in that clip, but I find it hilarious.

Bags Groove is my favorite Miles Davis record. It's all kinds of awesome.

808s is much better than people give it credit for. I like it more than My Dark Twisted Fantasy, but that opinion is subject to revision.

Like Martin with no Gina.

Give back that article of jewelry for your finger.

Can I have an operation so that I forget Ted Nugent even exists? I will take that deal.

Simmons has very questionable taste. He's fun to read because he will trash athletes because he doesn't depend on access to write his columns.

Rex Kwon Do?

Chad Johnson? There is no Chad Johnson. (Unless there is, and we're not talking about the guy who changed his name to 8 5).

Caught that interview in the middle. Who is Terry Gross talking to? Is Terry Gross talking to Jay-Z?

The show has too many characters, specifically him. They never give him anything to do.

"Bitch Hunter, that's nonsense. I was not speeding."

Alien robot from the 80's Benji tv show?

Pet Sounds is a joy to listen to. Don't you like joy?