
The Mets wanted to make him head scout but Mr. Wilhelm got the job.

Wasn't there a big cartoon bite taken out of the eclair? Given the nature of an eclair, as Subeamih points out, it's up to one's own imagination to fill in the gaps about what could have been done to it before it was deposited in the trash.

It took me for fucking ever to make them work. Your time could still come!

It's a good story, I enjoyed it.

Dammit, Raisler. Do not give in to this Russell Hantz cult, even an inch. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SHOULD HAVE WON.

I love Cirie. She's one of my top 5 players of all time. But she's played 3 times and her game, quite frankly, has probably reached the limits of what it can reasonably accomplish. Everyone knows that, given the slightest amount of leeway, she's going to be the power behind the throne, which is why she never really

Stillman is the one who sued the producers.

It definitely looked like a woman but I couldn't tell who. Was Peih-Gee in one of those ads? It's not ringing a bell.

I'd say this plus Thailand plus Fiji form a trilogy of seasons that were totally lackluster but which produced winners who all played pretty close to perfectly. Ultimately perhaps the lesson is that a crappy season with a great winner is not as good as a great season with a crappy winner (ie. Amazon).

Returning players
Erik from Micronesia is definitely one of them. That was the rumor all season long and you could make out his face pretty clearly in one of the shots at the end. The other one should be easy enough to figure out - it'll be one of the people featured in those early-season "what would have happened

Another vote for Chris, definitely one of the game's finest players. No, I don't think he won because of his performance at final tribal (he would have won anyway) but getting Twila to push the self-destruct button was still a master stroke. Mario Lanza has pointed out that Vanuatu was basically constructed as a

Going into the finale, I basically have three questions:
1) What will RI do to the endgame?
2) Can Rob get in front of the jury?
3) Can Rob win?

The final
One thing that maybe people forget about All-Stars is just how awful Rob's performance in front of the jury was. He was absolutely miserable on a level that only Amanda has ever really reached. If Rob gets to the jury (and I think he will) I fully expect his performance to be light-years ahead of A-S, and

Rob/Phillip Shepherd for the next All-Stars season? THIS MUST HAPPEN.

The beehive
No mention? This was easily the highlight of the episode for me. No matter how much that wind whipped around, that lady's helmet was not going to fucking move.