King Jeff

This is way better than that series where random, no-name musicians shit on songs that people like.

Come on Dennis Bounds, you're better than that

Office Space

No, I like this
Cue the dramatic lighting - it's like the whole trailer is set in a car commercial. Nevertheless I remain cautiously optimistic?

My favorite episode
You got me Donna, Super Monkey Death Car is my favorite episode in probably my favorite sitcom of all time. Good analysis of the pile-on, by the way.

But with Leonard Nimoy retired
Who will direct? I'm hoping for Michael Bay.

Couldn't TNT just run episodes from the Chris Noth - Michael Moriarty years and pretend they're new?

Thanks AV club
Now I have to go to work and I'm sobbing like a bitch.

I played college football (D1 - with/against a lot of guys who ended up in the NFL) and am now an amateur rugby player; there, that should establish my authority to weigh in on the rugby vs. football debate. You can't directly compare the athleticism of rugby players versus football players, not because one is much

Having read Atonement, On Chesil Beach, and Amsterdam (and no others of his) I can see the distinction between Atonement and On Chesil Beach (where he cares for his characters and makes it possible to root for them) and Amsterdam (where his characters are buffoons and he sets about creating their downfall.) I enjoyed

Steven, how have you done 6 of these and not covered Reservoir Dogs / Stuck in the Middle? Is it just not ironic enough, too conscious of an attempt to pair "Song and Vision"? Or was it a higher priority to crap on Garden State one more time?

I have to backup Someguy on "An Education," mainly because he was me from 40 minutes ago. I like the themes of it, but there's absolutely no subtlety to the way they are communicated - it's like somebody walking through the scene holding a sign that says "RESPONSIBILITY," or "MATURATION." The main character wants to