Seth Bullock

As someone who absolutely detests reality television, I can never clearly articulate why I prefer fictional shows.  How do you reconcile accusing someone of watching something pointless with the pointlessness of fiction?  I've gotten responses from reality fans like, "(Breaking Bad/Game of Thrones/whatever) isn't even

Dexter somehow killing Nancy in prison would instantly redeem both series.  I know what you're all thinking: men and women incarcerated together?  But it happened in Oz with that one lady on death row, so there is some precedent for this.

Oh man, repeated consonants in text form are one of my biggest pet peeves.  I can't help but mentally enunciate them to try to figure out how it's all supposed to sound.

I enjoy this new breed of spam comments.  They are getting smarter, posting quasi-philosophical things that tangentially relate to pretty much any topic that could possibly be raised in any subject.  It's like a sobering fortune cookie — really makes you think, you know?

Maybe they're going through the AMC/KFC/ESPN thing where the name doesn't stand for anything anymore and it's just a brand, huh?  Did you ever think of that?

Hating Mad Max itself would be one of the first steps in leading humanity down a path to a Mad Max-style breakdown of society.  Nothing would be sacred anymore; It's a world I don't want to live in. 

I totally agree.  Braveheart is one of my favorites.  While some parts may seem cliched now, that's only because a lot of movies imitated some of its best elements afterwards to diminishing returns (The Patriot, Troy) or negative returns (Alexander, ugh).  Obviously there is no way of proving this, but I also think

Jackie made Kelso do it on That 70s Show too (spoiler alert?).  And I think I remember Family Matters and Saved by the Bell doing it too, although I can't remember details for those so it might not have happened.  Maybe it just sounds like it would have been right up their alleys.

I haven't watched Family Guy live in years… but nothing can be worse than Conway Twitty.  That was when I realized, 'OK, Family Guy isn't a show worth watching while eating a meal anymore.'

Deadwood will change your fucking life.

I'm surprised Friends hasn't done it yet; I would have bet anything after its finale that we would have seen at least one reunion show before 2010.

Or, @Automatic_Taglines:disqus, when God assumes human form to mete out his unique form of street justice in Oakland, California, he has to trim the beard just to get some service from the judgmental AC Transit drivers.

It makes sense to me.  This person just doesn't like that type of humor.  Nor do they like shows that almost everyone hates like Whitney or Chelsea.  I know plenty of people in real life — intelligent, well-adjusted people — who I wouldn't recommend a show like Community or 30 Rock to.  Some don't like the

I think they're using "cheesy" as a synonym for character development.

@Automatic_Taglines:disqus, isn't that an exact description of Epic Beard Man, aka the Bus Fighter?

@avclub-cc7b90937fe8ecc1f3aa9f14c60e41b3:disqus, he would also exclusively ride around on curvy, scenic mountain roads, like the one leading to the Overlook Hotel in The Shining.  He was a cool guy.

As a child, I used to imagine God wearing boots, pants and a jacket all made of black leather.  And a black helmet with a black visor riding an all-black crotch rocket.  It's still the primary mental image I have when someone mentions a God.

You know what they say, you don't sell the car, you sell the seat belts.

Yeah, screw those last 15 states.  I agree… as far as I'm concerned, the Union should have stopped after West Virginia in 1863 — the best Virginia.

Also the best goddamned gait in the world.