
My favourite MTV Unplugged performances:


Thanks for linking to this - loved the article!

That means "disgrace"
(I'm translating for all the goys)

The picture in this review with Kelli and the dude smiling at each other - that would be a really sweet picture IF I DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW WHERE HIS RIGHT HAND IS!

I only just caught up with the after-show interviews hosted by Jay Ellis (Lawrence). If you love the show and haven't seen these interviews already, you must! They are all on the Facebook page for Insecure, and also on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Yes, we all see the actress is part-Asian, we all know it isn't just white girls who fetishise, we all see the larger issue with casting the second girl as a PoC. You've been carrying on correcting everyone as if no-one else sees that (they do) and extraordinary observational skills are needed for that (they aren't).

"it literally doesn't change any part of the above analysis/review to say Lawrence hooked up with two flighty party girls, without referring to them both as "white girls." "

*raises eyebrow at you*

Chad's text message when he saw the selfie:

Just don't, okay. You're putting words in my mouth, you're the only one here saying "just a stupid white girl".

We can tell. And it really doesn't matter - for all intents and purposes describing them as "two white girls" is fine.

I get what Ashley is saying about the episode feeling stuffed, but I didn't mind that it had a lot going on. This is a half-hour show with just 8 to 10 episodes per season, so there really is no time to spare, so I'm not going to begrudge them if they occasionally get the pacing off from too much packed in. Let's just

Oh, and when the girls were talking about getting Thai food - i was half expecting one of them to turn to Lawrence and go "what are you still doing here? get the fuck out!"

*watching the other girl hop on Lawrence*

Ditto. Kelli kills me!

*singing to myself with eyes closed*

Remember when Hillary kept warning everyone that he couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes?

Bill O'Reilly?

Well, I've heard Emory is supposed to be the Harvard of the South …