
Are you kidding me?

So glad to see Happy Together on this list.

Well whoop-dee-frickin-doo, apples! Progressing socially? What's progressing socially?

Yup - and don't act like you don't know what to do with that tossed salad …

Oh, I meant to reply to one of your older comments but never did.

"Two megalomaniacal, authoritarian world leaders with dubious grasps on reality …"

"She is finding that she is into animalistic or primal sex, and she wants to be hunted."

Yes, but … a YOUTH CRISIS hotline saying that to a youth in crisis that CALLED THEM!

Sex Toys from a TV Show?

OK, I feel I need to share this with the Savage Love commentariat.

Dammit, why do I feel like I'm living in the shitty alternate timeline where I never did get to meet the right person to leave me better off than how they found me.

I had to reread the line in that second letter where he called up the Baton Rouge helpline, cos I was sure I wasn't reading it correctly.

I had to reread the line in that second letter where he called up the Baton Rouge helpline, cos I was sure I wasn't reading it correctly.

Wait, what?

I'm sure, because I haven't seen Madea's Family Reunion.

OK, so after seeing Germy Patty show up last week, I went down the rabbit-hole of "What are the rest of the Awkward Black Girl cast up to now?". I decided to ♫ research them obsessively ♫ (hey - it's not stalking if all the information is technically public!)

"Someone's got to be the first to offer dinner on a weeknight, someone's gotta be the first to invite them to the family function, etc."

Yes, thanks for that, I'm aware not all TV characters are meant to be role models. I'm just expressing my appreciation for the fact that - in this show - they are showing women respectfully declining.

Well, she *is* in Chicago next week, so maybe we'll see …

Evidence I've probably watched too much Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: