
I agree with you. Except he wasn't the one actively taking it further, she was. He just kept saying yes reluctantly, being the passive wishy-washy 'nice guy' he is. And in each instance she knew it was a reluctant yes.

I was Team Tasha too, and I replied to your comment last week that I don't get the hate for her. My question was "What has she done wrong, exactly?"

Some of my random thoughts while watching:

Plus my favourite of the episode:

I was trying to figure out where I know Issa's neighbour from - then I realised he was the 'one black kid' on that Nickolodeon show 'Victorious' with Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande. He had dreads back then. So not a stretch he's playing someone into watching Blake Lively shows, he's been surrounded by white girls

But … I'd argue that The Breakfast Club isn't just known by a 'young black audience'. Video clips of interviews are immensely popular with online viewers all over the US, and in Europe, Africa and Asia. The hosts - especially the two guys - are quite ignorant and don't seem to have a filter - yet somehow manage to

See, I've been reading AV Club newswires for years and I've been watching Breakfast Club interviews for years - and the one time AV Club is acknowledging the existence of the Breakfast Club, it's to highlight the show at it's worst. That's …. kinda annoying.

Thanks, yeah I know, and I routinely do that in my comments for a spoiler line or two embedded in my comment.

"I have no idea why some critics thought he was terrible"

Watched Okja (spoilers follow)

hella catchy - one could even say catchy as f***

I've heard this song and seen the video in passing countless times in the past few months.

*looks around nervously*

If they are that thirsty, can they bring back Happy Endings?

He'd be better suited to a show like Dance Moms


"Evil may keep you alive forever, but damn it makes you ugly!"

Oh shit - this review had me struggling to stifle laughter while at work (and not really succeeding).

That's cold, Jay!

My top 5 Crazy Ex Girlfriend lines from songs that I catch myself almost singing aloud to myself in public and realise I need to STOP quickly before I elicit strange looks: