

♫ Through the warmthest cord of care"
Your love was sent to me …
…He is the beautifulest
Still strong, dark! And divine … ♫

How about when she sings:

How DARE you, Sir! Making fun of Bjork's handwriting!

TWIST! Saintly Mariana actually died when she moved back home to her parents.

When you said "twenty years ago" I thought you were some old dude talking about a woman you met in the 70s. Then I read '98 and went: "WTF! that can't be right!"

That first letter was like some soap opera shit…

'Scuse me - that's nothing new. Michael Dorn was serving that up decades ago.

We've all done the same thing at some point - that stupid half-hearted-laugh-along when someone talking to you makes a stupid and racist comment and they proceed to laugh at their own joke. I decided a while ago to personally stop putting up with that shit in the name of 'let's just get this conversation over with

Haha - maybe with his fat paycheck at Molly's firm, he can help Darryl buy back Whitefeather & Associates …

I was really feeling some second-hand discomfort with all the passive-aggressiveness on display when Chad was talking to Issa. The awkward silences and unnecessary small-talk, while he's busy sipping away and she keeps darting quick looks inside - so cringe-worthy. Now you've mentioned it I so want to see how

Urgh - it was annoying to read about the hate for Tasha and the actress. What's Tasha done wrong, exactly? It's not as if she was scheming to break them up. And it's not as if she threw Daniel on top of Issa in that studio.

You mean Regina Hall.

Molly's therapist, over tea with a former colleague: "So I have this one client, a single female lawyer, that's proving difficult to reach. She's started talking about work issues, but after several sessions she's still resistant to opening up about anything really personal."

When I saw the realtor I exclaimed "It's Germy Patty!" from Awkward Black Girl. I kept waiting to see if she was going to bust out a used kleenex and start blowing her nose!

Oh shit - now Scott Foley is in the show-within-a-show? This slave drama parody is shaping up to have bigger stars than the actual show!

Was worried for a minute when I didn't see this review up!

They probably believe there's a higher level of durability there - after all, they have it on good authority that the good ones don't crack.

"Am I the only person who didn’t like this movie? I thought the reveal was ridiculous."

I only just discovered that Power is actually a gripping, addictive show!