
Haha, you beat me to it.

Thanks Kayla for the reviews! I'm grateful that, unlike the reviews for another Netflix show I binge-watched (*cough* Dear White People), coverage of Master of None was consistent till the last episode.

Quick question: As an Italian, did you find it ridiculous that Francesca is supposed to never have heard of dating apps and cashews?

"He worked his ass off getting her to break it off …"

Well, the only pino she'd ever seen beforehand was Pino's - maybe after a night with Dev she was having buyer's remorse.

Dammit … just that one-word title of this article makes me all-of-a-sudden really miss Patrick and Richie and wonder how Dom and his Portuguese chicken restaurant are doing, and Agustin with the bear from Mean Girls, and Doris and Malik …

Francesca: "Come, let's kiss through the glass"

I actually did not make that connection, silly me!

Huh. Weird that I didn't think of him first, my mind went to the kid on "Everybody Hates Chris" whose name I don't actually know, except that there's a Tyler in there somewhere …

Probably not 'unconventional' enough to make this list, but Meryl Streep in 'Doubt' was one nun not ready to sit by and maintain the status quo …

Oh, Aziz is *ready* for his critics on that point!

Did anyone else think that - when Francesca was being all moody and only drinking water at Arnold's DJ party - that maybe she was going to announce to Dev that she and Pino are expecting …

Yeah, I'd rather the extra 30 minutes of run-time had been given to "New York I Love You" instead. We could have had 2 or 3 more amazing little vignettes added to that classic episode.

Upvoted for "Manic Pasta Dream Girl"

I'm finally going to see Get Out in a couple of hours (I'm in Paris and it just came out here).

To add to the replies you've already got, I thought it was 100% realistic that Denise's mom would not figure it out (or to be accurate, not allow herself to figure it out). One shouldn't underestimate the sheer STRENGTH of the unshakeable blindspot many parents have when it comes to their *own* children, no matter how

That closing shot with the camera slowly circling and filming them from above as we watched the family enjoy their happy Thanksgiving dinner made me feel all warm inside.

It was in Marble Arch.

My Oasis non-story: I was about 16/17 at school, and really obsessed with music and concerts and record stores (simpler times!)

"Gallagher will play his first ever solo gig as a benefit for victims of the bombing"