
I re-watched it on a long-haul flight recently and became self-conscious that passengers near me would think "What's up with the teary dude in the aisle seat?"

I'd have to disagree - this episode suffers in comparison to the two funnier and infinitely more entertaining episodes it is sandwiched in between: "I love you New York" and "Thanksgiving".

At the start of the season I wondered if maybe that particular character was being replaced with a cheaper European equivalent …

Deaf lady was right though, that scarf *was* ugly as hell! (looked like a disease)

I knew the sound was going to come back as I watched the deaf couple leave and the focus shift to those two women entering their own cab, but damn I wasn't expecting it to be that LOUD!!

I need a gif of the cab driver's face when those chicks gave away the movie's ending - that was priceless!

Almost died laughing with the exasperated mother shout-signing for the couple to stop, followed by her 2 little kids running around the store gleefully signing "vagina!"

No mention of Larry Hagman in the Dallas revival?

I quickly scrolled down to see if there was any mention of Sesame Street's Mr Hooper - and sure enough!

Guys can be teases too, and I gave the scenario in which Dev would be the tease. In this scenario, Francesca is the tease.

No, I don't believe there's anything sexist in my reading. If the roles were reversed - let's say Dev was the one with a girlfriend - and months later he asks a single Francesca to meet him without his girlfriend, and is all giggly and flirty with her and says "I really missed you" - I'd say the exact same thing: Dev

I was like "Enough with the water! Don't mention water AGAIN!!"

I binge-watched the whole season the day it was released - and am now re-watching the episodes in time with these reviews.

I'm going to buck the trend and say that I felt it went on for way too long.

Dev shoulda taken Priya!

This is the happiest day IN MY

*touches your shirt*

Shame you can't use that line though, now everyone's heard it!

Loved this episode!

Can I just say that Condola Rashad is one of those stunningly beautiful people that you can't help but stare at whenever she's on screen (whether you're male or female).