
You know what?

What made them think pointing out that it is set "10 Years before Kirk and Spock" is a good idea as a selling point?

What made them think pointing out that it is set "10 Years before Kirk and Spock" is a good idea as a selling point?

My first thought:

Dev ordering pork when he knows that goes against his parents' faith just made him seem like a disrespectful little shit. It would be one thing if he were a stroppy child having a tantrum, but he's a grown adult who is deliberately doing something offensive to his parents.


Next up - Tyler Perry and Matthew Perry as Judges 2 and 3 …

*A* pet rabbit? Oh you sweet gullible soul. There've been countless Marlon Bundos.

Ariana Grande as Ariel or GTFO!

I wonder if

I never want to hear the name "Angelica" mentioned again in this show.

Am I the only one who thought Sun/Riley should've shown more gratitude to sleazy sensate-std?

It feels like there is half a season's worth of episodes missing between Whispers torturing Wolfgang, and Whispers entering the room with Will.

Yup, I concur with Rowan on this C grade.

Well, you say that jokingly, but … my point of reference was the Brazilian film City of God, which like Sense8 Nairobi is set in a real slum with poverty and gang violence, and in which a lot of the cast playing the gangsters were unknowns who happened to live in the favelas, and some may or may not have been (ex)gang

Phew! I was worried you'd be all like … this:

"Go for a walk or something, guys."

"A news story tucked into Trump’s hands at the right moment can torpedo an appointment or redirect the president’s entire agenda."

Wait, this is actually a thing? You can actually SUE for joke theft?

The moment may seem anime but kudos to the actor playing Githu for making it seem almost *too real at times, especially in his appearances in season 1.